Episode 1: Game Change

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Amy's POV

I was wandering through through the halls of the school keeping my eye out for Karma. I saw her standing at her locker. I wrapped my hands around her.

Amy:"Good morning gorgeous"

She turned around and pecked a kiss.

Karma:"I missed you so much this summer"

She hugged me tightly. The touch of her skin gave me a tingly feeling. I cupped her face and kissed her.

Amy:"How was Brasil?"

She started telling a 'really' long story but I could only concentrate on her eyes, on how sparkly they were.

Karma:"Yeah and then we drove away in a magical car"

She looked at me.

Amy:"Ow yeah cool"

She giggled.

Karma:"You weren't paying attention were you?"

I nodded. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her softly.

Amy:"I was distracted by you beauty"

She hugged me and put her head on my shoulder. We just stood there, hugging each other, it felt great. It felt like we were the only ones on earth. She lifted her head from my shoulder. I looked at her.

Amy:"I am going to my class but we can have lunch together, okay?"

Karma:"I'd love to have lunch with you"

She pecked a kiss. I left. While I was on my way to my class, someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around.

Liam:"Uhm hi, I am Liam, the new transfer from New York, I had a question, could you show me where my next class is"

Amy:"Yeah sure, let me see"

I grabbed his schedule. He had to go to the same class as me.

Amy:"Follow me, we have the same class"

He nodded and followed me.

Liam:"So, I told you my name, can I know yours?"

I nodded.

Amy:"I am Amy Raudenfeld, is this your first time in Austin?"

Liam:"Yeah, I had to transfer here because of some 'family issues', but I like it till now"

He looked at me.

Amy:"I am happy you feel at home here"

Liam:"So I guess you are like the popular kid"

Amy:"Why would you think that?"

Liam:"Well it seems like pretty much everyone in this school knows you"

I laughed.

Amy:"I was homecoming queen, but I can assure you I am not a popular kid, and I am not interested in being popular"

He smiled at me.

Liam:"Would you like to have lunch after class?"

I felt bad turning him down, he was new here and it would be rude.

Amy:"I was actually going to have lunch with Karma, but feel free to join, it would give you a chance to meet her"

He nodded. He was nice, I didn't immediately hate him, which means a lot with me.

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