Episode 38: Everything I want

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Amy's POV


She grabbed my hand as we started running to the house.

Amy:"Karma, slow down, you know I am not good at P.E"

Karma:"Get on my shoulders"

She stopped running and lifted me on her shoulder.

Amy:"Are you crazy you'll never hold me"

Karma:"Watch me"

She was running when all of sudden she stopped.

Karma:"Uhm let's go the other way"

She turned around quikly but in a flash I saw Liam standing on the corner of the street. I got off of Karma's shoulder and started running towards him.

Karma:"Amy, no don't!"

I kept running, as I got close to Liam he noticed me. When I was just a metre away from him I punched him. He fell back in the snow, while my hand hurt like fuck.

Liam:"Aah! What the hell Amy?!"

Amy:"If you ever hit her again, I will fuck you up so bad, you won't even know you're name, understand art boy?"

Liam:"Fine just, fuck off"

Amy:"Ow yeah and before I forget, I have something for you"

I grabbed my juice bottle and poured it over his head.

Liam:"Ew, are you insane?!"

Amy:"You're welcome, asshole"

I threw my bottle in his lap and grabbed Karma's hand.

Amy:"Now we can go and have sex"

I glanced back at Liam, who was looking quite mad.

Karma:"Uhm sure"

We started walking towards the house. Karma was a bit annoyed.

Amy:"Don't be mad, he hit you, he deserved that"

Karma:"I didn't want to see him again"

Amy:"Baby, I am sorry but if he were to hit me you would've done the same"

Karma:"I guess I would, now let's go home quick, I am in the mood to-"

Amy:"Me too"

I grabbed her waist. I planted a soft but loving kiss in her neck.

Karma:"Ooh, Amy"

At that moment we arrived at the front door. I knocked on the door, Reagan opened up.

Reagan:"Hey where have you been all day?"

Karma:"She took me to record a demo"

Reagan:"At,  that's sweet, come in"

We walked inside.

Karma:"We're really tired, we are gonna go to bed"

Reagan:"You don't have to lie sweetheart, I heard you two talking outside, go"

She smiled at us. I grabbed Karma's hand and walked upstairs. I closed the door when  I felt her hands on my waist. Her mouth left small wet spots on my neck. She pulled me back onto the bed. Her hand unzipped my pants. Slowly pulling it down. I bit her lip. She got on top of me, her mouth slowly moving down to my abdomen. She pulled down my panties. Her tongue teased me with small movements around my core.

Amy:"Aah Karma yes"

Just before I reached my peak she came up to me and kissed me me softly.

Karma:"Thanks for everything Amy'

Amy:"No thank you"

I smirked at her.

Karma:"Ugh you're so dirty minded"

Amy:"Well not only, dirty minded, right?"

Karma:"Whatever weirdo"

She smiled at me. She slowly kissed my neck. Her hand softly touched my thigh. I pulled her onto me.

Amy:"I love you, I love you more than my mom....well loves herself"

She smiled at me.

Karma:"I love you more than my parents love Zen"

Amy:"Hey, they love you more"

Karma:"It just feels like he is their perfect child"

Amy:"Can't be true, you are already the perfect person"

Karma:"It feel flattered but, they just love him more, and they should"

Amy:"No, Karma don't forget how wonderful you are"

Karma:"I'm not that wonderful"

I put my hand beneath her chin and lifted it a little.

Amy:"You are my ray of sunshine on a rainy day, you are the most amazing person I've ever met, please don't think like that"

Karma:"You are the only person who thinks of me like that"

Amy:"Am not, everyone loves you Karma"

Karma:"No, you love me"

Amy:"Isn't that enough for you even if it was like that?"

Karma:"Of course it is, I wouldn't want anyone to love me more than  you"

Amy:"Why are saying this then?"

Karma:"Cause, I am never enough to anyone"

Amy:"You are more than enough, you're everything I want"

Karma:"Same goes for you"

I gave her a quick peck on the lips as she laid back on my shoulder.

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