Episode 7: Morning after

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Amy's POV


Karma sat straight again.

Karma:"Let's go"

I nodded and sat in the driver's seat. I pecked a kiss and started the car. We had arrived at Karma's house. There was a note on the door.

*Karma honey,

Your dad and I are at the police station, don't worry we are okay, please stay there.

P.S Amy could you stay with Karma, we won't be home till late in the morning*

Karma's face changed in an instance.

Amy:"I'm sure it's nothing don't worry"

I wrapped my arms around her. She held onto me firmly.

Karma:"Why are they there, are they arrested?"

Amy:"I don't know honey, but we'll ask tomorrow okay?"

She nodded while still holding me firmly. Out of nowhere my phone vibrated. I grabbed it.

*Liam: Happy one year, I am sorry for everything, I know you don't want to speak to me but, I miss you, just as a friend, please don't let this be the end*

I was staring at my phone for a while until Karma looked at me.

Karma:"Something wrong?"

Amy:"It's, it's Liam"

Karma:"What did he say?"

Amy:"That he misses me as a friend"

She looked at me. I looked back.

Karma:"Maybe he can come over so you can talk"

Amy:"You're more important"

Karma:"I know, but he deserves clarification and so do you"

I smiled at her.

Amy:"Best girlfriend ever"

I hugged her. I grabbed my phone and texted Liam to come over. I was sitting on Karma's couch, playing with her hair. The doorbell rang. I opened it to see Liam with two bouquets of flowers.

Liam:"Hi, I bought these for you guys, happy anniversary"

Amy:"That's really sweet thank you"

He handed me the flowers and walked inside.

Liam:"Hi Karma"


He sat down.

Liam:"I owe you an explanation"

He was looking at me.

Liam:"I am usually the guy who doesn't fall in love that easily, but you changed that, I didn't look at another girl since I saw you, but I also know you have a beautiful girlfriend and I should accept that, I am also sorry for kissing you and for keep saying you felt something too"

I saw Karma flinch when he said he loved me. I held her hand to calm her down.

Liam:"I am sorry Karma, you are a great person and you didn't deserve what I did, kissing Amy was my fault and she had nothing to do with it"

He was being so sincere and honest that I forgave him at some point.

Karma:"I know it's not her fault, Amy loves me and I love her"

I saw Liam looking a bit sad.

Amy:"Karma can I speak to you in the kitchen?"

She nodded. We walked over to the kitchen.

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