Episode 26: Hot coco

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Karma's POV


Karma:"What are we going to do?"

Lauren:"Maybe we can go to a motel"

Shane:"Ew no"

Amy:"Shane you can't decide right now"

Karma:"Guys he's right, motels aren't the best place for 3 girl's and a not that strong dude"

Shane:"I beg your pardon, I am stronger than most of the guys on our school"


He smiled at me and tackled me into the snow. We laughed.

Amy:"Guys stay focused we have to find a place to stay!"

I looked at her, she had snowflakes in her hair.

Karma:"Baby calm down, it's Christmas in-"

I looked at my watch. It was 00:01.

Karma:"Uhm now, so where is my kiss?"

She looked at me, a smile appeared on her face. She let herself fall in the snow and slowly kissed me. Lauren jumped after her and we laid on the sidewalk. I looked at Amy. She smiled at me.

Amy:"Hi hobo"

Karma:"Your hobo though"

She nodded. She planted a small kiss on my cheek. I heard someone behind us. We turned around and saw Liam, with scarfs in his hand.

Liam:"You guys can stay"

Amy:"Why? Did the grinch in you crawl out of your butt and now you're mister nice guy?"

Liam:"No it's Christmas, accept it or don't"

Amy:"No thanks"

Karma:"Amy, Uhm yeah we accept it"

Amy:"What? Karma?"

Karma:"We have no clue where we are, we have no place to stay, just one night, okay"


We walked upstairs, Liam made us some hot coco and we sat on the couch for a while.

Karma:"I am tired, are you coming to bed?"

She looked at me.


She looked at Liam, who was pretty annoyed by our couple cuteness. Well Amy's cuteness. She was so cute. We walked to our room Amy laid down and turned around immediately.

Karma:"Uhm sweet dreams?"


Karma:"What crawled up your butt?"

Amy:"Nothing, good night"

She switched off the lights but I put them back on.

Karma:"What's wrong?"

She turned around.

Amy:"Why the hell are we here, you don't think this is weird?"

Karma:"Yeah but-"

Amy:"No but, he stabbed you, you could've died"

Karma:"I know but-"

Amy:"Nevermind, I am not in the mood for this, goodnight"

She put off the lights and I put the lights back on.

Karma:"No, I did this for you, so you could sleep in a bed"

She looked at me, she grabbed my hand.

Amy:"I am sorry I just hate that guy so much"

Karma:"It's okay, but chill, you're hot when you're angry but, I can't handle hot Amy"

She laughed.

Amy:"Hot Karma is pretty......sexy as well"

She kissed me neck, slowly sucking my spot. I moaned softly. She got on top of me.

Amy:"Like really sexy"

She sucked it a little more. I grabbed her. She kissed me. She was moving down when someone entered.

Lauren:"Amy I-"

She looked at us.

Lauren:"Ew, but I have to talk to you Amy"

Amy looked at her.

Amy:"Is it the thing?"

Lauren:"Uhm yeah but, we'll talk later"

She closed the door.  Amy looked back at me.

Karma:"What's the thing?"

Amy:"Uhm I can't tell,  but it's not about you, I swear"

Karma:"Okay then"

I kissed her again. She put her hands down my pants. I deepened the kiss. She put her nose against mine.

Amy:"I love you, a lot"

Karma:"I love you more"

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