Episode 50: Remember homecoming

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Amy's POV


I grabbed my phone and almost dropped it cause my hands were shaking like a leaf. I texted Shane to come to the hospital.

Amy: Shane, come to AMC, Karma got hit by a car, I'll tell you more when you're here

He responded immediately.

Shane: WHAT! I am on my way

I put away my phone and took another sip of my glass if water. Some people went through the doors of the I.C but none of them in a hurry so that made me less worried. I saw a girl about my age approaching me.

Anna:"Hi, are you Amy Raudenfeld"

Amy:"Yes, who's asking?"

Anna:"I am Anna, I was the driver of the car who... well"

Amy:"Ow hi"

Anna:"Look I am so sorry, she ran across the road in a flash and I couldn't stop"

Amy:"You called 911 and you came here, it could've happened to anyone, I appreciate that you came here"

Anna:"It's the least I could do, is there any news on her situation?"

Amy:"She's alive but she has severe head trauma"

She cupped her face in her hands. I put my hand on her leg, reassuring her that she doesn't have to feel guilty. She looked up to me.

Anna:"So you two are...?"

Amy:"Girlfriends actually"

I waited for her reaction. She giggled.

Amy:"What's so funny?"

Anna:"So not in a stereotypical way but, is it true that lesbians wear a lot of flannel?"

Amy:"Well, yeah"

She giggled, so did I.

Anna:"Well she is lucky"

She looked at me. Her voice calmed me down for some reason. She was nice.

Anna:"I'm sure she'll be okay"

I heard someone say my name. "Karma Ashcroft,  with a blonde girl, she is called Amy" I looked over to see Shane.

Amy:"Shane! I am here!"

He ran over to me. He hugged me and held me tight for a second.

Shane:"What happened?"

Amy:"We were running and she wasn't paying attention and she got hit, Casper told më she was okay, she does have severe head trauma though"

Shane:"Why were you running?"

Amy:"We were just fooling around"

Shane:"God, oh who is that?"

He pointed at Anna.

Amy:"This is Anna, she was the driver"

Shane's expression changed.

Amy:"It wasn't her fault, Karma just ran across the street"

Shane:"Okay, how long has she been in there?"

Amy:"I think about an hour or something"

Shane:"Jesus, she doesn't get lucky does she?"

He put his hand on my leg.

Shane:"Do you want a drink?"

I nodded.

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