V1 Ch2 Enemies Revealed

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Ruby flung open the door to her dorm. She rushed out into the hall. The young girl was dressed in her normal outfit, sporting her typical red hooded cape. Her weapon clung to her back. Ruby was busy thinking about a new lead on the White Fang, to pay attention. Ruby failed to see the boy in front of her. Ruby slammed into him and fell to the ground.

"Sorry, I didn't see you," She said, beginning to look up at whomever she ran into. "What's someone even doing out at midnight anyway-" Her voice froze up at the sight of the pair that stood over her.

Alex Feuer and Percy Brewner loomed over, the now meek and shy, Ruby Rose. Ruby could gather that she had bummed into Alex, but they both stared down at her. This made her quite uncomfortable, something Alex picked up by watching her fiddle with her fingers.

"It's totally fine!" He exclaimed, dawning an ear to ear grin and offering her a hand.

Ruby took a second to accept the hand, but quickly accepted it. Alex pulled her up and Ruby smiled back, feeling more comfortable around the pair.

"Thanks," She said, rubbing the back of her neck and nervously laughing.

Ruby had improved her issue of meeting new problem since arriving at Beacon, but there was something about the two that just made her naturally nervous. She knew what it was, Percy's scowl. Percy gave her that look like she was a hindrance, although it probably unintentional.

"S-so... where are you two going?" Ruby asked, trying to avoid Percy's cold blue eyes.

Percy cleared his throat and adjusted his jacket by pulling its collar. "A walk," he said. His tone detached, cool, and calm.

Alex shook his head as Percy walked off. "I apologize for him. We are looking for our teammates," he explained. "Why are you out at this hour?" Alex asked.

"My teammates and I were investigating some White Fa-" Ruby paused, realizing they opted to keep the White Fang a secret. She froze, trying to think of a lie.

"Hello?" Alex asked, laughing a bit. "Some White what?"

Percy stopped walking and turned back. He saw the look in her eyes, could tell she wasn't a liar. "White Fauna of the Emerald Forest right?"

Ruby turned to him, instantly understanding. She faced Alex again and furiously nodded. "Yup! The White Fauna of the Emerald Forest. We are working on an assignment for Professor Peach."

"Oh cool," Alex said, oblivious to the lie. "Well would you like to come along? We could walk you there. Is that cool with you, Percy?"

The oldest male shrugged. "I couldn't care less."

Ruby smiled. "I'd love too!" She said, hopping slightly. The young girl was always eager to make more friends.

Percy shoved his hands into his pockets and walked down the hall. Alex and Ruby hung back and let him walk ahead. The two talked amongst themselves.

Ruby nudged Alex and gestured to Percy. "So what's his story?" Ruby whispered.

Alex shrugged. "No clue. His semblance gives him super speed and he can throw lightning. That's all I know."

"Okay," Ruby said. There was an awkward pause, but Ruby soon tried to keep the conversation going. "Well what's your story?" She inquired.

"Not a long one," Alex replied. "I'm an orphan. Most of my life has just been looking for my next meal."

"Sounds rough, no family at all?" Ruby questioned.

Alex shook his head. "No, I have a brother. His name is Ryden. He's two years older than me and the only reason I am here."

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