Chapter 8

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The young ducklings stared in horror, as shadow creatures took over their family members.


"Uncle Scrooge!"





"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Lena cried, her head in her hands.

"After them!" Magica yelled, holding her staff high. "Gather their souls,  and then,  we'll take all of Duckburg. Soon the world will fear the name Magica De Spell!" The sorceress laughed. The zombiefied Della, Beakley, and Scrooge turned around,  and went after Donald,  the triplets, Amira and Aziri.

"Noo!"  Lena cried. Tears sprang to her eyes. "This is all my fault!" Amira and Aziri ran to her side.

"It's not your fault Lena. We believe in you! " the twins told her.

"Why?!  Your mom is probably dead, and soon will the rest of your family. All because I was a coward. I used my stupid powers, and found a lost scroll about that magic jewel for my Aunt Magica.  I don't deserve you, " Lena said sniffling. Amira looked to Aziri,  nodded in affirmation. They both hugged Lena.

"We believe in you,  because you... are our sister. We may not be blood related... yet... but you are still our sister. And family doesn't give up on each other. Did mom say anything to you before she teleported you to us?" Aziri asked. Lena wiped her tears.

"Trust the heart,  and the heart will protect you. " Lena's eyes widened.

"Trust the heart,  and the heart will protect you! That's it! That's how we defeat Magica. Of course!"

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