Chapter Two

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Outside the Prison World

Klaus walked briskly down the street in New York, following Ty, his sister's now ex lover. It took a little flirtation from Klaus to get a witch to agree to track the boy. He would get answers and he would get his sister back, no matter what it took.

Without another thought he pulled the pathetic boy into an alleyway. He slammed his sisters no good lover against the wall of a building, enjoying the sound of his cracking ribs and the grunt of pain that Ty released.

"Where is my darling sister, little dove?" He used the nickname that Ty always used on Lia for emphasis.

"Klaus! Nice to see you?" Ty said cautious, scared of the threatening Original.

"Very not nice actually, where is she?" Klaus questioner again.

"You see, I can't really tell you," he laughed nervously.

"And why is that?" Klaus pressed the the boy harder against the wall.

"The Geminis will strip me of my powers if I tell," he admitted.

"Ah, Gemini's. Well, then I'll just turn you and you'll lose your powers anyway," Klaus suggested.

Klaus bit into his wrist, shoving it in Ty's mouth. Right before he snapped the boys neck, he yelled.

"No, wait! I'll tell you," he defeatedly exclaimed.

"That's what I thought, spill," Klaus demanded.

"They put Lia in our 1994 prison world, which is a world where a day continuously repeats itself forever and there is no people or animals there," he explained.

"She's there by herself?!" Klaus yelled, fearing for his sisters mental state.

"Well, there is one other person in there," Ty said.

"Who?" Klaus demanded.

"Malachi Parker, a siphon just like Lia, but not a vampire. And before you ask, he's there cause he almost murdered his entire family, four of his younger siblings to be exact," he further explained.

Klaus gripped his throat, "So, my sister is stuck with a psychopath." He choked the boy.

Ty gripped Klaus's arm, "P-please don't kill me," he begged the Original.

"Oh love, I wouldn't dream of it. Because Lia will love to do it when she gets out, which she will. There are 6 of us Mikaelson's and while Lia can come off as sweet to those she likes, she is the most psychotic of us all," Klaus threatened.

The boy literally trembled. "I'd watch my back if I were you, when she gets out, the Gemini coven will be the last of your worries," Klaus warned before disappearing into the streets of New York.

Meanwhile in the Prison World

"What is a Prison World?" Lia asked curiously, taking a step towards the boy, Malachi.

"They are used to imprison people in a world where the day they were trapped on constantly repeats. You must've done something terrible to get trapped with me," he explained.

Lia looked around the city, "You don't know the half of it, Malachi."

Usually, Kai hated when people used his full name, but he didn't mind it coming from her mouth. Nevertheless, he said, "Just call me Kai. I answered your question so it's only fair you answer one of my own. What are you?"

Lia sighed, "I am a very special type of vampire, I am very old and very powerful, let's leave it at that."

Kai walked towards her, so he was right in front of her. "Must be pretty special to make that big of a disturbance here."

Kai smirked at the innocent looking vampire, grabbing both of her arms quickly. He began siphoning some of the girl's magic. She glared at him and shoved him off sending him a few feet back. She looked at him, shocked. He smirked cockily.

"You're like me, you're a siphon," stated Lia, his smirk dropped.


ngl might've forgotten about this book 😬😬
I apologize <3


𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚢 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 - 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚜Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora