Chapter Seven

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1068 A.D

The Mikaelsons resided in a small country in the middle of Europe. Alex was now 24 and while he was physically older than Lia, the heretic still took care of him. Over the last 8 years Lia began to grow as violent as Kol. This was because Klaus had the two of them choose the "meals" for the family.

In short, Lia was becoming increasingly numb to erasing human life. However, she had never laid a hand on Alex and if any of her siblings did, she would have ripped them apart.

The family stole a lot of money over the years and were able to pass as nobles in the small country. This granted them several rooms in the castle of the country. Rebekah and Lia lived in luxury gowns and often stayed inside the court during the days while the boys of the family went out. The boys mainly made sure their father wasn't on their trail.

One spring afternoon, Lia and Rebekah walked peacefully in the castle garden, enjoying quiet small talk. The sisters were interrupted by a servant boy.

"My ladies! It's Alex, he's hurt!" the boy shouted.

Catching the Mikaelason girls attention, they chased after the boy as quickly as they could in dresses without alerting anyone of their powers. The boy lead them to a more private courtyard, where two more servant boys stood supporting Alex's limp body.

He was bleeding from his stomach, which seemed to be a stab wound.

"Set him down and leave," the younger of the two sisters demanded. The girls were struggling to keep their vampire sides hidden, they would never hurt Alex, but they needed to keep what they were a secret.

The servant boys immediately followed orders, knowing better than to not listen to the nobles commands.

As soon as they were out of sight, Lia rushed forward, biting open her wrist with her sharpened teeth before she even reached the human. She shoved her wrist into his mouth and he weakly grabbed her wrist. She was kneeling on the floor next to him now and as he fed and recovered he leaned into her body. Lia wrapped her arms around him when he finished.

"What happened?" She was dead serious, a tone of voice he rarely heard from her.

"I-I don't know, there was a man and he attacked me. He was strong like you and vains grew under his eyes too. But, he looked much older than you guys," he explained slowly and he straightened his body when he felt strong enough.

When Alex looked at the sisters, they were pale.

"It was father," Rebekah muttered, horrified.

"Rebekah, take my cloak and go into the village, find Nik. We must get ready to flee," She told her sister and Bekah sped away from the two.

"You scared me," Lia admitted to the boy in front of her.

Lia and Alex weren't just friends, their relationship was incredibly intimate. However, none of her siblings knew about this, they would have killed him. They were each other's first but, it would always be a secret and Alex hated that.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"It's alright my love," she gently kissed his cheek and helped him to his feet. "Let's get you cleaned up, we must leave this country."


That night the Mikaelsons mounted their horses, concealed by the dark night and cloaks. Alex road on the back of Nik's horse , still not feeling strong enough from the earlier attack. They road quietly until the got to the woods where they were able to pick up speed. Soon enough, they were full on running, desperately trying to get away from the galloping they heard from behind. An arrow whizzed by Lia's which confirmed the suspicion of it being their father.

Lia kept an active eye on Nik and Alex, not getting ahead of them so she could make sure Alex was safe.

But something set the heretics lung ablaze with a scream. A scream that sent chills running down her siblings spines.

An arrow had whizzed passed Lia and embedded itself in Alex's back. He was dead without a sound. Lia's outburst of energy caused by terror and shock set the path and trees behind them on fire. This effectively helped them get away. Lia couldn't breathe.


Niklaus hadn't let the boys body fall and after hours of running they finally stopped for the night. Despite the girls grief, she cloaked her family, determined to make sure no body got hurt.

Lia didn't say anything and she didn't watch when Kol pulled the arrow from his back. She stared at the small fire she made when Elijah flipped his body so he was on his back.

The heretic didn't look up from the fire until the dead 24 year old gasped and shot up straight in the grass looking panicked from what had just happened.


I'm sorry i take so long to update guys, i plan to update my other story tomorrow, i've been working a lot recently and just have been busy. Hope y'all like this chapter <3


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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