Chapter Five

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1080 A.D Flashback

The Mikaelson siblings had a routine in the early years of their vampirism. While still trying to understand their new abilities fully, they had to run from their father actively. Though their father, Mikael, was only after Niklaus and Lia, the others stuck around for them. Elijah and Rebekah stayed for Nik, and Kol stayed for Lia. Finn didn't have anywhere else to go so he stayed too.

Lia had a soft heart during this time and hating killing innocents. While her siblings would feed on anyone they saw, the heretic hunted thieves, murderers, and rapists. Something that would drastically change when her siblings became increasingly violent.

The family could never stay in a place for very long. Currently, they were traveling discretely through the forests in England. They had traveled from France to England to remain hidden, and they also never took main roads so people would rarely see them. Since arriving in England that year, they stole horses for each of them for a more comfortable journey.

It was getting late in their day of travel, and the sun would soon begin to set. Lia traveled at the back of the group with Nik, both of them letting their horses rest by sauntering. Finn and Elijah led the group, and Kol and Bekah rode in the middle. Lia and Nik had put a bit of a distance between them and the rest of the group. They were quiet and enjoyed the look of the forest around them.

Lia adored being able to hear anything around them for miles. The group was rooted in the forest and shouldn't have been able to hear anything but nature. However, the heretic picked up the sound of a boy struggling and what sounded like two other men. She stopped the black stallion she rode and continue to try and listen.

"Lia, come on. We need to get further before we stop for the night," Nik stopped as well when she did.

"Do you hear that?" she asked, slightly worried.

Nik sighed, "yes, but it is none of our business, sister. Let's go."

It would be a bit of a run if she wanted to go after the sound as it sounded far away. Without thinking about it much more, she quickly bounded off deeper into the forest after the sound of the struggling boy. With a deep sigh, Niklaus followed after his sister.

Nik struggled to keep up as Lia had the fastest horse out of the group. Lia would only slow down to determine where she needed to go to get to the boy. When the vampire got close enough to hear more clearly, Lia slowed her horse. She peered through the thick trees to see a small clearing. Lia saw a dirty blonde teen being robbed and beaten by two middle-aged men.

"Hey! Leave him alone," the heretic yelled when she rode into the tiny clearing.

The men stopped harassing the boy for a moment to eye the young-looking girl.

"And what are you going to do about it, pretty little thing," one of the men said.

"I will pay you," Lia said confidently but was lying through her teeth. These men would be dead before the end of the night. 

"I think your body would be the perfect payment for this worthless boy," the other man said.

Niklaus then appeared in the clearing, "what did you just say would be a perfect payment from my sister?"

"Niklaus, deal with these men, their blood will be our family's meal for the night," I told him.

Nik dismounted his horse first, and Lia followed in suit. She tied the two horses to a tree by their reins, and Nik snapped the necks of the men. She approached the frightened and beaten boy; he scrambled back, still in fear.

"It's alright, no one is to hurt you now," she spoke softly. The heretic crouched in front of the boy when he calmed. "My name is Lia. What is yours?"

"A-Alex," he said hesitantly.

"How old are you, Alex?"


Lia nodded and accessed his injuries with her eyes. He was bruised and had many bleeding cuts that could quickly become infected. Not wanting the boy to be in pain anymore, she bit into her wrist, offering it to the boy.

"I know it seems weird, but my blood will heal you," Lia explained to the human.

He nodded, slowly grabbing the girl's wrist and bringing it to his mouth. He was gentle and barely drank any of the blood, gagging when Lia pulled her wrist back to her.

"I must admit, my siblings and I have to live off of human blood, but if you would like to travel with us, I promise to keep you safe," she offered the boy.

"They won't hurt me?" Alex asked, trusting the blonde girl in front of him, but not her brother, who he had just witnessed snap the necks of two men like it was nothing.

"They won't," Lia reassured, and Alex nodded.


I am quite tempted to just turn this into a Originals themed book, with a little love story. IDK. I also love this chapter <3


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