Chapter 1

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Hiro Hamada's Toy Story

*The O Was Replace With a A*

Hira Hamada's Toy Story

*The Burner Added a 3 In It*

Hira Hamada's Toy Story 3

*There Was a Train On a Loose, a Criminal Came Out, It Was a Rag Doll*
Criminal Rag Doll: *Evil Laughter* Money, money, money. Hey!
*Some Whips Hit The Moneybag Out Of The Criminal Rag Doll's Hands, A Person Walks Up To Him, It Was Lucy, a Long Lost Princess of Cindaroll*
Lucy: You got a date with justice, Rusty.
Rusty: Too bad, long lost princess. I'm a married man.
*Another Criminal Rag Doll Shows Up, It Was a Man*
Lucy: Busty, But He's a Dude!
*Busty Knocks Lucy Down By Pushing Her Off Of The Train*
*Rusty And Busty Laugh In Victory*
*Suddenly They Hear a Royal Horse Chime Away*
Rusty And Busty: *Laughs In Victory*
Lucy: I think you dropped something, misters.
Rusty And Busty: Huh?
*When They Look, They Saw Lucy Fine With Princess Lessie And Bianca Who Are Riding Lessie's Horse, Amy*
Rusty: Bianca, Princess Lessie?
Lucy: Give it up, Rusty.
Bianca: You've reached the end of the line!
Rusty: I always wanted to go out with a bang!
Princess Lessie: Oh, no!
Lucy: The orphans!
*The Baby Dolls Had Their Heads Sticking Out*
Rusty: Hate to leave early, but our ride is here.
*The Three Rag Dolls Came In a Pink Car*
Three Rag Dolls: Ooh! Ooh!
Rusty: It's me or the kiddies, Long Lost Princess. Take your pick.
Rusty And Busty: Whoo-hoo!
*The Criminals Escaped*
Lucy: Ride like the cheetah, Amy!
*They Made It To The Train*
Lucy: Hee-yah! Hold her steady!
*Lucy Went In But She Was Running Out Of Time*
Bianca: Lucy, hurry!
*Too Late, Lucy Fell In Along With The Orphans*
Bianca: No!
*However The Train Was Lifted, Thus Lucy And The Orphans Are Safe, By a Unfamiliar Toy From The Last Movie (Hiro Hamada's Toy Story 2), a Action Figure Space Toy Name Bessie Bellmay*
Bessie: *Holding The Train With Ease* Glad I could catch the train!
Lucy: *Head Sticking Out* Now let's catch some criminals!
Bessie: To infinity and beyond!
*Bessie Flew With The Train*
*The Criminals Were Enjoying Themselves With The Moneys They Stole*
Rusty And Busty: Whoo-hoo!
Three Rag Dolls: *Sees Something Shiny* Ooh! Ooh!
*However That Shiny This Was Just Bessie As She Lasers The Car In Half*
*The Criminals Fell Off*
*Lucy, Bianca, Lessie And Bessie Get Into Scene*
Lucy: Reach for the sky.
Rusty: You can't touch me, Long Lost Princess! I brought my attack Superhuman with a built-in force field!
*Busty Whistles*
*Just Then a Female Superhuman Came In And Bit Her Hand Around The Criminals, As They Laugh In Victory*
Lucy: Well, I brought my half human half monster hybrid who eats force-field Superhumans.
Bianca: Yodel-ay-hee-hoo!
*Just Then a Half Human Half Monster Came And Started To Roar At The Superhuman Furiously, But Then Stops*
May: Huh?
*The Heroes And Villains Look Up And Saw a Black Darth Vader Like Ship*
Lucy: Pinkgirl, also known as Cara!
Blackgirl (AKA Cara): That's Mrs. Blackgirl to you! *Wears a Black Long Sleeved Dress With a Black Eye Patch, Looking Like The Evil Witch From The Wizard of Oz*
*Blackgirl Had Let The Criminals Join Her, Blackgirl Had Trapped The Heroes With Her Black Monkeys*
Blackgirl And Rusty: *Evil Laughter*


Hiro: *Playing As Rusty* *Evil Laughter*
*It Turns Out That It Was Just Hiro Playing With His Toys*
Hiro: *Playing As Lucy* "Bessie, shoot your laser at my wing button." *As Bessie* "Lucy, no. It'll kill you." *As Lucy* "Just do it!" *Bessie Covers Her Eyes, Shoots Lucy And The Laser Hits The Box* *As The Villains* "AH!" *As Lucy* "You're going to jail, Rusty." *As Rusty* "Watch out!" *Sees Aunt Cass* Aunt Cass!
Aunt Cass: No, no, no. Just keep playing. Just pretend I'm not here.
*Ella (Aunt Cass And Chief Cruz's Newborn Daughter) Accidentally Knocks Down The Tower Hiro Made* Oh, no, Ella!
Hiro: No, it's okay, Mom. "It's a 50-foot baby from outer space. And she's on a rampage. Run for your lives!"
Megan: Mochi, get out of there. Does the red light mean it's going?
Aunt Cass: Come on. Say "Happy birthday" to Ella.
Hiro: Happy birthday!
Chief Cruz: Charming.
Hiro: *Playing As Lucy* Happy birthday!
Aunt Cass: Look how tall you're getting.
Hiro: Yeah!
*Hiro Was Growing Up As Both a Civilian And As a Superhero As Big Hero 6*
Hiro: "I came as fast as I could. Bessie, behind you!" "Got it, Lucy." Bessie Bellmay to the rescue! "Good work, Bessie." *Hugs His Toys*


*Hiro Grew Up And Move Away With His Wife, Hilda And Has Four Kids, Well Three Kids Now, The Oldest Second Born Daughter Was Kidnapped, And As Hiro's Fondest For Playtime With His Toys Faded Away So Did His Relationship With His Daughters, As He Spends More Time With Hadashi (His Oldest Son) More Then The Girls, Until He Also Grew Up And Departed For College*
*Now It Was Unknown If His Toys Are Still With Him Or Not*
*They Were Moving Away In Friday (The Same Day That Andy Davis Departs For College) To a City That's Far Away From The Town They're Currently In*

Chapter 1 Ended.

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