Chapter 6

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Hira: Uh, hello?
Phone Girl: You shouldn't have come back, girls. They've cracked down hard since you two left. More guards, more patrols. You and your new friends from the web room ain't ever getting out of here now.
Hira: Hiroski And I made it out once.
Phone Girl: You got lucky once. Want my advice? Keep your heads down. You'll survive.
Hira: Yeah, for how long?
Phone Girl: I've been here for years. They'll never break me. There's only one way toys and imprisoned kids leave this place.
Hira: Poor fella. Trash truck comes at dawn.
Phone Girl: Then it's off to the dump.
Hiroski: Look, My sister and I appreciate your concern, old-timer. But we have a daddy waiting for us. Now, we're leaving. If you'd help us, one toy or imprisoned kid to another, I'd sure be grateful.
Phone Girl: Well, if you're gonna get out, first thing you guys gotta get through's the doors.
*Shows Flashbacks Of Doors Being Locked*
Phone Girl: Locked, every night. Inside and out. Keys are left on a hook in the office.
Hira: Got it. What else?
Phone Girl: Lotso and his girlfriend has trucks patrolling all night long. Hallway, lobby, playground.
Hiroski: Yeah, yeah, yeah. What about the wall?
Phone Girl: Eight-feet high. Cinder block. No way through it. You go over or under.
Hira: That's it? Doesn't seem so bad.
Phone Girl: It's not. Your real problem's the monkey and Hiroko.
*Shows Flashbacks To The Monkey And Hiroko's Prison Break Fails*
Phone Girl: The monkey's the eye in the sky. And Hiroko Is a Boss Of Everyone Who Works For Her, He sees everything with Hiroko. Classrooms. Hallways. Even the playground. You can unlock doors, sneak past guards, climb the wall, but if you don't take out that monkey and Hiroko, you ain't going nowhere. You two wanna get out of here? Get rid of that monkey and open up Hiroko's eyes!

Inside The Web Room....

*After The Kids Left The Web Room, The Poor Imprisoned Toys And Imprisoned Kids Move Around, Since The Web Room Is Way Worst Then The Caterpillar Room, After All It Is The Room For The Adults To Show Children How To Use These Toys As a Adult Toy Once They're All Grown Up, But Hey At Least The Children Aren't Destroying Them Like In The Caterpillar Room*
*Hira Peek Through The Certain*
Hira: Psst, Guys
Imprisoned Toys And Imprisoned Kids: *Happy* Hira And Hiroski! You Came Back
Ninja Rag Doll's Mom: Girls, You Were Right, Being a Adults' Toy Is Not a Perfect Life, Being a Child's Toy Is
Imprisoned Toys And Imprisoned Kids: We're Sorry For Doubting You.
Hira: No, no, it's our fault for leaving you guys. From now on, we stick together.
Ninja Rag Doll: But Mr and Mrs Hamada's leaving for the move.
Rose: Move? Hog-tie the mailman! We gotta get you two home before You're Parents leaves tomorrow!
Ninja Rag Doll's Mom: Tomorrow? But that means...
Hira: It means we're busting out of here, tonight.
Ryan: What? Impossible!
Dilah: But there's no way out of here!
Hira: No, there is one way out.
Hiroski: One way.
Hira: Okay, here's what we're gonna do.

Chapter 6 Ended.

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