Ch 5: Results and Dorms

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      I knew that, since I won the competition, then I would go to UA. The problem is, how will people react when they see me? Will they say that I can never get better at fighting? Or will they say that I was terrible during the entrance exam, only using my surprise attack so that I couldn't get hurt anymore? Or they may say that I was wimpy, a weak girl with a strong quirk.

        "(y/n), Arther!" I heard my mother yell after coming into the house after getting the mail.

       I ran down the stairs as fast as I could. This could only mean one thing, my results have come back. Lucy came down the stairs as well, knowing that her results must have come as well. My mother ran to me, Arther, and Lucy as fast as she could, giving us all our results.

         We ran up to my room, we had already planned out how we were going to find out about our results from the entrance exam. First, I would go because we already knew that I was going to UA, next would be Arther, also because he won his match. Finally, we would have Lucy see what the decisions of the judges were.

        I opened my letter from UA immediately and played the hologram that was attached to it.

        "I, Endeavor, will give you the results of your entrance exam," Speaks the number 1 hero. I never really liked Endeavor but, I know that he will always be there for the people of Japan. The incident last school year proved that. You could tell that something bad went down because of the giant scar on his face.

        "(y/n), since you won the competition, you will be going to UA High," Endeavor started," Other competitors that were in other groups had gone passed the time limit that we secretly set to see how fast you could take down your opponent, had not passed because they took too long. Luckily for you, you didn't go past the time limit and beat your opponent." He finished. This was the end of the hologram that he sent me, next was Arther.

        "I, Endeavor, will give you the results of your entrance exam," Endeavor starts again. You could tell that he was doing this for a while because of the black circles under his eyes that were starting to appear.

        "Arther, since you won the competition, you will be going to UA High," Endeavor explained once again," Other competitors that were in other groups had gone passed the time limit that we secretly set to see how fast you could take down your opponent, had not passed because they took too long. Luckily for you, you didn't go past the time limit and beat your opponent." He finished.

        Now it was time for Lucy to see her results.

        "I, Endeavor, will give you the results of your entrance exam," Endeavor explained AGAIN, he was kinda getting annoying," Lucy, I know you think that you aren't going to UA because you lost during the exam, but little did you know, there were secret judges watching the entrance exam. We saw how you used your quirk to try and distract your opponent. They think it's a good idea for you to join UA, and become a pro hero" With that the hologram ended.

        "Yes!" Lucy celebrated.

        "Congrats, Lucy!" Arther congratulated her.

        "I knew it!" I bragged.

        "I'm going to train hard to become a pro hero!" Exclaimed Lucy.

        After that day, there were 6 more days to go until UA High. We, as a trio, decided to pack our things for our new accomodations into UA High school. You were given access to the UA dorm rooms two days to the start of school in April.

        Our mom helped Arther pack his things so he wouldn't abuse his stuff while he was packing. We were all so excited for our acceptance at UA High, I even packed a family heirloom in my suitcase as an extra accessory for my room.

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