Ch 8: The First Step

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       "Good morning," We all replied in unison.

        "Later this week, we are going to be doing our first partner exercise," Aizawa Sensei started," for this exercise, you will need to get to know your partner. Get to know them before I wake up." And with that Aizawa Sensei had gotten back into his sleeping bag and started to let out a soft snore. We all stared at him trying to apprehend what had just happened. Some people started chuckling, while others just got to work.

        Bakugou stared at me, with his scary red eyes. It was like he was trying to show me that he was more elite than I was. I pushed my mild fear aside and opened my mouth to talk.


        "Hey nerd, so we're supposed to get to know each other huh?"


        "I just need to get to know you and then we'll win, I need to know your weaknesses so you don't get in my way," He interrupts.

        'Well that was harsh'

        "Okay," I respond.

        "What's your quirk nerd?" He asks his first question.

        "Atom Pioneer," I reply with how my quirk is established in my UA school files.

        "What's your name?" He asks. Really I thought he should already know this!

        "(y/n)," I reply in a monotone voice.

        "Okay that's it, now leave me alone nerd," Bakugo puts his feet on the desk and slouches in his chair as if he owned the place.

        I didn't know how to feel so I just forgot everything that happened. Since he's not letting me know anything about him, I might as well just assume things based on his personality.

        He probably tries to win as quickly as possible and tries to be the leader in every situation he's put in. During our training, he's going to be the one to boss me around, and just when I thought I was going to be able to speak up in highschool... Well, what can I do?

        "Are you guys done? Well if you're not then too bad," A certain sleepyhead teacher yawned. I now just noticed the scar under Aizawa Sensei's right eye.

        "That was quick," I heard Arther say behind me," Hey, sis, how's it going with your partner? Mines great," He asks, knowing that it's not going great with Bakugo at all.

        "Annoying," I say sticking my tongue out at him.

        "I can hear you dumbass!" Bakugo yells into my ear making my head ring.

        "Class," Aizawa starts," I want you to have your hero costumes by the day we start training with partners, which will be on Friday."He announces," And since we have some time left I would like you to all decide on your hero names, these names might stick for the rest of your lives, so don't pick anything stupid."

        "Hey, Bakugo?" I ask

        "What?!" He yells

        "What's your hero name?" I ask

        "Kacchan" He replies while looking out the window with an angry look on his face.

        "Hey, sis, what's your hero name going to be?" He asks as Uwabami Sensei passes out a mini whiteboard and a marker. I thought about it, it would be lame if my name didn't have something to do with atoms in some way. Well, I create atoms. What's a word that is similar to create? Or maybe a word in another language that means create? How about Tsukuru and Genshi but as a combination! Gentsu The words atom and create translated into another language and put together! I just hope it doesn't mean anything offensive in another language.

        "Atom Sage" I replied.

        "Ooh, that's cool, mine's gonna be Force Pioneer! You know, since I can basically control everything that's not atoms, which are mostly forces, like gravity!"

        "Yeah, I get it, it's cool," I say smiling.

        Aizawa called random people to come to the front of the class to present what they're hero names are going to be.

        "Sora, please come up to the front of the class," Aizawa asked Sora.

        "My hero name is going to be Albatross!" He says excitedly.

        Everyone else says their name, all of which are unique and creative, no one used any stupid names as I thought. I thought that someone might name themselves balls or something stupid like that.

(A/N) Congratulations to everyone who is graduating this year of 2020! 

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