I Just Saw

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"It's life man, it's the adrenaline." 


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"Have you found anything yet?" I asked as I paced behind Jester, who was furiously typing away at his computer.

"Dude chill, I've only been at this for five minutes!" He reaches over taking a handful of chips and stuffs them in his mouth.

I sigh taking a seat on his bed, as I watched his screen blitz by making it blurry, I turn my head. How can he see all of that?

"Got it!" I hop up. "What? What do you got?"

"She's here," writing something down on paper he hands it to me. "that's her number, address and apartment number."

I smile, wrapping him in a hug I pick him up and swing him around. "Thank you!"

"Whoa, whoa, calm down your Australian Hercules, fragile human here." Jester joked as I put him down.

"Really man, thank you this means a lot." I said, on the verge of tears. It's okay, all real men cry, it's natural.

"Man, just go get your girl back already."

"Oh, right, see you later." I grab my jacket and dash out of his front door almost colliding with a woman carrying bags. "Sorry." running down the hallway I make it to my car, getting in and starting it up I peel away from the parking lot and into the street.

I dial Mitty's number, hitting the speaker button. "Yo!"

"Mitty!" I practically screamed.

"Kras!" He mocked. "Why are you yelling?"

"Bro, I just got her number and address!" I said happily beating the shit out of my steering wheel.

"Yo! Dude, Jester came through!" Mitty said happily.

"Let's go see her!" He cried.

"Nah bro, I can't, I'm nervous, I don't even know if she wants to see me, I'll text her first see how that goes." I stop at a red light, looking to my left an old guy was eye balling me on his motorcycle, I waved.

"Bro come on, you haven't seen her in three years, take a leap!" I shook my head. "See Mitty, this is why bad shit happens to you, you run before you walk."

"It's life man, it's the adrenaline." I roll my eyes.

"Sure Mitty, look, I'm going to stop off at a cafe, I'm in need of caffeine, I'm going to be up all night out of my mind tonight." I said pulling into a cafe lot.

"I'll get you some percs too, one." 

"One." I hang up getting out of the car, but not before grabbing my hat, walking to the front of the cafe I see it says 'Grunge Cafe'. walking in I see the title matches it's interior, it's beautiful combination of black and green, gives me a sense of home and "We don't judge here vibe."

Christian Anthony-Where Did You Go?Where stories live. Discover now