Journey To The Old Castle (Chapter 8)

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~Selene Sanders~

"Thanks for helping me get the last of my stuff. I hoped I had everything packed, but I guess not." Petra smiles at me.

"Yeah no problem. Let's get your bags loaded on the buggy." I said, picking up my satchel. "Need help carrying that box?" I asked her.

"Nah I got it. Go on ahead I'll be there soon." Petra shooed me out of her room.

"Alright, Alright!" I walk to the outside.

I see everyone get onto their horse. Mina just got onto her horse when she drops something, she then groaned.

"Here I got it." I said running up to it. I pick it up, revealing it to be a Cadet Corps badge ripped from an old jacket. "Oh, here." I hand it to her.

"T-Thanks." She takes it, putting it in her pocket.

I wanted to ask her about it but Levi said we leave in two minutes and for us to ready our horses.

I sighed, going to the back. As Levi and I are captains we are directed to the back to keep an eye on Eren.

Petra got the last boxes secured on the buggy. She hopped onto her horse, reading herself for the long journey.

I look at my squad from behind. They're getting along nicely. I made a small smile, Levi noticed.

"I see you love being their Captain?"

"U-Uh... yeah... they're a good bunch." I looked at him. "We should go before it gets too late to travel."

He nodes. "Alright Eld! Lead the way to the castle." He ordered Eld.


We were halfway there to our location. The sun was almost setting beyond the horizon. I tried to not look tired so I don't seem weak. Which I am not!

"Selene, there is not much rooms for a single person to sleep in. People are going to have to bunk together." Levi told me.

"I had a hunch something like this would happen. I sorta made a mini plan on who is bunking with who." I looked over. "But with your consent to pursue it."

He nodes. "Tell me when we get there." We continue on our horses.

I wrote in my letter I've been writing for the past ten minutes. The letter was for my mother and my journey of being a captain.

We soon arrived at our location. It looked like a mess! Oh well, guess that's what happens when you don't live here for many years.

I'm sure there is dust everywhere, so I took out a rag, wrapping it around my nose and mouth to keep me from inhaling or sniffling the dust.

Levi looked at me. "Tch, Yeah this place needs cleaning."

We soon stop in front of the castle. I get off my horse, looking at the place.

Eren approaches me. "Selene, why are you wearing that mask?"

"We're going to be cleaning. I'm also allergic to dust." I said, going to the box that has the cleaning supplies.

"How do you know we are going to clean right now? We just got here and we're all tired." Eren complains.

"I know about Levi's OCD problem. I've grown accustomed to it. Here." I toss him a rag and a sprayer. "I'm going to assume he's gonna want you to clean the windows. That's usually how he tests people for the first time on how they clean.

I head inside to start the cleaning. Soon, everyone else started cleaning the castle.

It was quiet, just the sounds of windows being wiped, the broom being swept, humming.

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