Brian x Tim

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(Tim is a trans man in this!)

Brian had set up a date for him and his boyfriend Tim. They were going out to Rosswood park and when it got dark he planned to stargaze with Tim. He packed food, blankets, and other things that they would need. While Tim was getting dressed for the date, Brian was also picking out his clothes. They weren't changing into something formal or anything, just their normal styled clothes. Tim wearing his flannel, without a shirt underneath, and some Jorts since it would be 89 degrees outside when they got to Rosswood. Brian knew it'd be hot outside, so he just wore a black shirt and some jeans. He packed his tan sweater just in case it did get cold and Tim wanted to wear it.

   When they arrived at Rosswood park, Brian got all the food and drinks he brought, and Tim got down all the blankets and pillows. Once they got all of their stuff out of Brian's car, Tim plopped down on the big blanket that was on the green grass, Tim was sweating from the heat and his binder. Brian got Tim a Coke from the ice chest he'd brought. When Tim wasn't dying of the heat, Brian and Tim started to share a sandwich, since they weren't really hungry and didn't want to eat all the food they had brought.

  About two or three hours go by and the sun is already going down a bit. Tim was getting a bit hungry, so grabbed another sandwich and got a sandwich for Brian too. Brian and Tim watched the sun slowly go down, waiting for the night stars to finally come out. Brian had Tim wrapped in his arms, Tim was messing with Brian's hair. When the stars finally came out, Brian was matching all the dots together. Brian said he saw a heart and gave Tim a small kiss on the lips.
   Brian's hand trailed under Tim's flannel and started to trace a hearts all over his stomach. His hand went a little lower and touched Tim's V-line. Tim softly moan and Brian chuckled. They started to have a heated make-out, Tim tried winning for dominance but Brian quickly won. After their make-out, Tim wrapped one of  his arms around Brian, put his head and his other hand on Brian chest, and slowly dozed off. Brian heard Tim's faint snore and carried Tim to his car. He packed up all the stuff into the car and drove home.

   When Brian finally got to their house, he didn't really bother putting the stuff away. He just wanted to fall asleep with Tim in their nice, cozy bed. Once Brian started to slowly carry Tim to their bedroom door, Tim started to slowly wake up. When Brian finally put Tim on top of the bed, Tim sat up to take off his binder. Brian chuckled from how Tim was trying so hard to stay awake to take off his binder, it was a cute scene for him to watch. Even though Tim didn't really like Brian helping take off his binder, Brian still helped take it off anyway since Tim would be too tired to even remember.

   Finally, when Tim laid down on the bed next to the wall, already asleep, Brian laid down next to him.

"Goodnight my lovely." Brian said as he dozed off next to Tim.

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