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When we reached the airport, the sadness in his eyes was replaced by pride. He was proud of what I achieved. I got down and went directly to get a cart. When i

came back, all my luggage was already unloaded. I smiled at my dad who gave me a you-know-i-was-going-to-do-this smile.

We walked towards the entrance. It was the last where friends and family were allowed. I gave him another hug and when he was again repeating the procedure to check in and what I'm supposed to do when I'm there.

"You need to get a car within a week or two",he said.

I nodded and let go of him. I was gonna really miss him as he was the only one who understood me.

He smiled and waved at me. I waved him back and started pushing my cart. I saw his car drive away. I went to get my baggage checked. It nearly took an hour to complete all the security checks.

Luckily, my plane was on time. It wasn't a really long wait for me. It was a long flight, I literally flew from one end of the country to another, from Washington to Berkeley. It took us ten hours. I spend most of my time on board sleeping or watching movies.

When I reached the dormitory, it was evening. The dormitory was a rustic old Edwardian building with small gardens. The garden was filled with girls vlogging and clicking pictures and uploading IG stories.

I directly went to the dorm assistant's office. When I opened the door a young woman was behind a huge table surrounded by papers and markers and notepads. She was talking on the phone, when another phone on her desk rang. She put her phone down to answer the other. A few minutes later she turned towards me and asked me to sit down.

"I'm Olivia,Olivia Becker,"I said.

"I know who you are Miss Becker, I saw your picture in your dorm application. Your room in C-301. You asked for a room with a bathroom,didn't you?"she asked and patiently waited for my answer.

"Yes, Ma'am. I did."I replied

"Don't call me Ma'am, I am just 25. So there are some rules you need to follow like you cannot drink in the corridor. You need to clean the trash every week when the maid comes to clean your rooms. And have fun living here," she said with a big smile. "You are going to share your room with Naiomi Thompson. She is already in your room." She handed me the other pair of the keys.


Even though all the buildings were identical, C wasn't hard to find. All the streets and lanes were labelled well. 'C' building had an elevator. I was so thankful to them 'cause I was in no mood to lift two full size suitcases up the stairs.

All the rooms had brown wooden doors with white boards on them. I knocked on the door with '301' on it, the whiteboard on the door already had my name on it. No one answered. So I put my keys in the keyhole and turned it open.

It was a cute room, more sort of an apartment. It had two bedrooms with a small living space and kitchen. It was a well furnished room with a couch and tv already installed. It walked to the couch and laid my backpack down, slowly absorbing the rest of the place.

"Hey, you must be Olivia. I'm Naiomi, Naiomi Thompson. Your new flatmate." A tall brunette girl said. She had beautiful brown eyes and was wearing some comfy joggers and a crop top. "Sorry I couldn't welcome you, actually even i landed today morning."

"Not worries. I'm Olivia, Olivia Becker. I'm from Washington. Where are you from?" I asked.

She was from Houston. Even though she was a physics major and planning to be an astrophysicist. She should me the room and all the switches and connections.

After having a complete house tour I went back to my room to get my stuff settled. It was a spacious room with a center aligned bed. There were two books, one next to my bed and one on the other side of the room next to the closet door. On the other side of the bed was a small desk with a cute study lamp.

I walked past the bed to open the thick curtains over the balcony door. I placed the suitcase on my bed making sure the wheels weren't touching the sheets. I pulled out a pair of sweatpants and an oversized hoodie that was actually my dad's. I usually used to wear his clothing 'cause they used to be huge and super comfy.

I went to my bathroom, it was connected to my bedroom. It was small but clean. It had both a shower and a bathtub. I stood under the shower, letting the hot water touch every part of my body and relaxing me in its way down. I wrapped a towel around my naked body and I quickly brushed my teeth. It was one of the longest showers I ever took.

When I came out Naiomi was sitting on my bed. She unpack my clothes and neatly hang them on the hangers. I took the sweatpants and hoodie in the left ony bed and went back to the bathroom to wear them.

When I came out she was sitting on my bed with two cups of hot coffee next to her. She handed me a cup and then took a sip from her own.

"Sorry to burst in your room, I just wanted to help. I know how tiring it is to unpack alone."she said. I was actually really glad I had her as my roommate. She was sweet and calm and helpful and understanding and on top of all she made really good coffee.

We both finished our coffee, chatting and laughing. Then she helped me arrange my room. Once we were done, we sat on my bed chatting and laughing. I really don't remember how long we sat there before we fell asleep.

(A/N: Well this is the second chapter. This is a simple chapter. The first few chapters are like character introductions. So I hope you people like it.
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