Chapter 5

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Maddison P.O.V.

I talked with my mother this morning. There was nothing new. She told me that she and father had another fight, and this time he moved out. She told him he bought a new apartment where he and Sarah are gonna live, happily together. My father was literally the most selfish person I ever knew. He had the guts to cheat on my mother and then even not agree to give her divorce. He told her he needed her for society.

Even after having another woman in his life, he used to abuse her, force her and beat her. How did I know? Well I was the one to apply medicine and ice packs on her wounds and swelling every morning. Now finally he is gone. She could start a new life from the beginning. She was a pretty independent woman. She single handedly raised me and took care of our business.

Even though she was the only good person in my life, I wasn't super close to her. I was fifteen when they sent me to live with my aunt in LA. It was different but peaceful there. My aunt didn't have kids of her own, so all my childhood she was the mother figure to me. Our lives were happy and peaceful, when I got a call from my father saying that he got me to the University of Berkeley and I have a campus tour next week. Well that's all he said, it was an order he didn't care if I wanted to go or not.

As told to me I went for the campus tour, it was good. And that is where I met Ian, he is a year older than me. Big muscular body with brown hair flowing with the breeze. He had ocean blue eyes and was staring at me constantly. Well he was cute but more sort of a short term one.

It's been four months since I'm seeing him. Well it's nothing serious. Just get away from my problems. This morning when Ian came to my dorm to drop off my pink drink that he brings me everyday, I accidentally took out all my anger on him which was actually due to my mother. I told him things that I thought I wouldn't ever tell him but nothing I didn't mean. He straight away left my dorm and didn't even answer any of my calls. 

So I'm her at a party, at some fraternity that Linda told me about. I decided to get fully drunk and forget all my worries. I already had three glasses of beer, when I stood up and walked towards the bar to have a refill. When I reached the bar, I spotted a boy(A/N: it's actually Olivia). He was sitting there alone. He had his earphones on, and was lost in some deep thoughts. He had brown hair similar to that of Ian, well it really dark here. I walked to him and placed my glass on the bar table next to him. I tapped on his shoulder. He turned around, his eyes were blank like not not knowing what to say. He was sitting there all alone. 

"Ian, why are you sitting here babe? All alone."I asked. I noticed the confusion in his eyes as if they were asking me what I was talking about.

"Miss, I thi-" before he could complete his sentence, I pressed my lips on his. I could taste the beer he had. It was faint but noticeable. He was calm and was slowly observing everything. At first he didn't kiss me back, but after a few minutes he did. There was this different feeling, this kiss unlike others had a different feeling unknown to me. I closed my eyes while kissing him. There was this need, this fire that I was unknowingly craving for. 

We broke gasping for air. We both were out of breath. I opened my eyes to look at those ocean blue ones. They were clear, I could look straight through them. There was no filter. His eyes were beautiful but empty. It seemed as if there were huge waves in them. Raising and lowering. Slowly. 

That's when I heard Linda calling me. God this girl she has always really bad timing.

"Maddie, are you playing?" She asked. I nodded and asked her to go forward. Turned back to him and looked straight into those ocean blue eyes.

"Are you coming babe?" I asked. He slowly nodded and I started walking into the crowd following Linda to a group of kids who were ready to play beer pong.

Though I was surrounded with people the only person I could see was his. It was as if my heart wanted to be with him. I searched the room for him but couldn't find him. I went back to Linda to tell her I was leaving.

I got out of the house which seemed to move with the loud music. I walked to my car. There was this couple making out on the truck of the car next to me. As I walked, they gave me a weird stare and continued. I ignored them and got in the car and drove back to my dorm.

Olivia's P.O.V

The drive back home wasn't a difficult one, because this time I knew the way. Naiomi sat on the passenger seat singing and dancing on the random songs playing on the radio. Well she was really drunk. 

I got back to our dorm and slowly took Naiomi to her room. As soon as she sat on the bed, she passed. I took off her red heels that were tightly buckled on her feet. I tried to change her clothes but decided to let them on. I tugged her in her blanket, making sure she was comfortable.

I slowly closed the door of her room and went back to the room. My room was dark. I turned on the fairy lights behind my bed and went in the closet to get something comfortable to wear. I decided to wear a pink oversized hoodie and shorts. I changed and went back to my bed to sleep.

I laid there waiting for sleep to take over but all I could think of was those grey eyes. Waiting patiently. I could still taste her lips, I remember how they felt, soft and delicate. I remember her smell, faint but noticeable. It was coconut and cocoa butter, very tropical.

It was overpowered by the smell of sweat and beer.

I didn't even notice when I fell asleep. It was an exhausting day. My body was aching. I got up and sat against the headrest, waiting for my senses to reactivate, when I heard my phone ringing.

I took my phone from the side table to see who was calling. Well it was my dad. I received the call and lifted my phone to answer.

"Hey,Daddy how are you?" I said, trying not to sound exhausted. Trying and terribly failing.

 "Hey hun I'm fine how are you?Did you get all your stuff? What about your car? Did you get it? Which colour is it?" He literally attacked me with his questions.

I slowly calmed him down and explained everything. We talked about his work, and how our neighbours had a party and they invited him. We talked for an hour or so. Once done I bid him goodbye, it was noon. I decided to wake Naiomi up. 

When I opened her door, she was already up. Her head was in her hand, she totally had a hangover. I went in the kitchen and made her a lemonade. I heard lemonade helps with hangovers. Well let's try. I went back to her room, handed her the glass and sat on her bed. 

"Thanks. I really needed this."she said. I gave her a smile and stood up.

"No worries. By the way I am going for some grocery shopping. Do you need anything?"I asked.

She asked me to bring some extra pop tarts. I nodded and went back to my room. I put on a comfy jacket and took my car keys and handbag, making sure I had my wallet and dorm keys. 

It nearly took twenty minutes to reach the grocery store, thanks god I have a GPS navigator. I got everything on my mental note and even the pop tarts Naiomi wanted. I forgot to ask her which flavour she wanted, so I got both. I checked out. Got in my car and drove back to my dorm. 

I pulled my keys out as I thought Naiomi must be resting. I turned them in the keyhole, opening the door. I found Naiomi sitting in the living space with two other girls, who must be her friends. I entered our dorm and closed the door behind me, went straight to the kitchen to keep all the grocery bags in place.

After fifteen minutes of arranging all the stuff, I came back to the living room to sit beside Naiomi. Well I noticed something. Something I should've noticed when I entered the dorm. Oh My Goodness. Maddie.

The girl next dormМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя