Chapter 3

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When I woke the next morning, there was an arm on my chest. I slowly opened my eyes waiting to hear the birds but the moment my eyes were open, everything fell in place. The arm was Naiomi's, my roommate. We fell asleep last night laughing and giggling about something I really don't remember.

I slowly raised my body and sat against the headrest. I quietly sat there for a moment or two, consolidating my thoughts of what all I need to do today, then I slowly got out of the bed making sure not to wake Naiomi up.

I went to the bathroom to quickly brush  my teeth and hair. When I came out Naiomi was still asleep.

I went into the kitchen and turned the coffee machine on. Naiomi literally stuck the coffee measurements on the kitchen cabinet. Meanwhile I rinsed the coffee mugs we used last night. Once the coffee was ready, I carefully poured them in, making sure I didn't spill any coffee.

When I came back to my room, Naiomi was already up. I could tell by her face that she was embarrassed. I offered her a cup of coffee and went to sit on my bed. We sat there talking about the campus. I had a week before my classes began. I was planning to get all the books and my car by this weekend.

Naiomi agreed to help me to find my dream car. She said she knew some great car dealerships. She was in sophomore after all, she has done a lot of exploration already. Naiomi owned a Honda Accord. It was enamel black in colour with black leather interior.

We decided to go and grab lunch first as we have already missed breakfast. Naiomi said she knew this place that serves really great tacos. Tacos were something I wasn't really familiar with as my dad didn't like them. We ordered our food, Naiomi ordered us two chicken tacos. It was a large taco dripping in beef sauce.

We literally sat there for an hour chatting and giggling. We talked about our personality and stuff. I told her I was looking for a good and comfortable car, price wasn't an issue. 

We paid for our meal and I noticed Naiomi placed a twenty dollar bill with the rest of the money. Tipping wasn't an unknown practice but people here have comparatively larger tips. I was habitual of giving a ten dollar bill, but believe me habits can be changed.

It took us another half an hour to reach the sales shop. It was on the outskirts of the town. As we reached there, Naiomi parked her car and went to shake hands with the owner.

"Bill." She said, shaking hands with a man. He was in his middle age, like forty. He gave her a big smile and pulled her into a hug.

"Long time no see. Princess." He said smiling. He had a large face perfectly placed on his muscular body.

"Bill, this is Olivia, my flatmate. Olivia this is Bill, he owns this dealership. This is where I brought my car. He has some really great and affordable options." Naiomi said with a huge smile.

Bill asked what type of car I was looking for. I told him my basic requirements and preferences. I wanted a black car, as I earlier stated. I wanted to have an installed GPS navigator and reverse parking sensors with a camera.

He told me he had a car that would be perfect for me. I was surprised that he thought that I would like that car at first glance. But let's give this guy a chance.

We walked past a few lanes with different types of cars; there were sports cars, convertible, limos, electrics, campers and even antiques. After a few minutes' walk, Bill stopped in front of a black car. It was gorgeous. It was an enamel black car. All I could make out by seeing it was that it was from Ford. Bill stepped forward and turned towards us.

"It is one of the latest cars added to my collection. It's a Ford fusion. It's in the colour you wanted. It has all the electronics like the GPS navigator and stuff. It has black leather interior with a beautiful black exterior. It even has a great braking system and autopilot mode."

Well he was right, I was in love with the car. It felt as if someone just read their mind and really bought that car in real life. It was perfect. It had a great interior with an extraordinary exterior.

"Well, what do you think?" Naiomi asked with an even bigger smile. She knew my answer, well everyone knew my answer. You could possibly guess it with those bright sparkles in my eyes.

"I love it. I-l love the car." I said, looking towards Naiomi, who pulled in a huge hug. She literally is my hug bear. I turned towards Bill "When can I get this car. Like what the earliest possible date?"I asked with a big smile.

"Today." Bill answered, returning my smile. " If you are sure, I can ask my guys to get it ready."

I nodded. He started walking to what seemed to be the office. It was a small building. Once inside, he asked us to sit on the couch which was neatly placed next to a glass coffee table. He walked to one of his guys, said something in his ears and came back to us with a bunch of papers.

"So here is the paperwork. So are you gonna pay with a card or cash?" He asked.

"Card" I replied.

We spend the next half an hour agreeing on the terms of the paperwork and discussing the car. Once all done, Bill handed over the keys of my new Ford fusion, my car ever.

We got out of the dealership and found out that we actually have two cars and I still don't know the routes properly. Naiomi asked me to just follow her, slowly and steadily.

 Naiomi asked me to just follow her, slowly and steadily

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Olivia's car

Naiomi's car

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Naiomi's car

(A/N: hey guys!!! Here is the third chapter. So well the first few chapters are just the introduction to the school year. There are a few critical characters coming soon. So stay tuned....;)

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