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Third Person POV

Zak thought to himself 'Darryl, isn't used to standing on his feet? Damn, how long has this guy been flying?' He looks at Darryl having a conversation with his roommate, Harvey. He then realized that George might question who this was. He approaches them both.

"Hey guys, how do we explain to George that Darryl is h-" right before Zak was gonna finish his question. George cuts him.
"Explain to me what? And who's this dude who suddenly went in here. I didn't see you bring someone into the room, Zak" George crosses his arm. Good thing for Zak, George is a very understanding and kind person. Harvey pokes him and whisper something to him.

"Should we tell George that he's your Guardian Angel because we can't think of an excuse on how this Darryl dude came inside the room." Zak thought of what Harvey said again and sighed. "Fine, since you have a point." Zak whispers back. "I know this is crazy, George but I think its better if we talk about this at the Kitchen." Zak points at the door. George nodded and lead the way to the Kitchen

"Alright, explain?" George sits on the chair with crossed arms. "It's so crazy that you almost won't believe me but... Darryl is my so called 'Guardian Angel' I don't know what's his purpose here but I haven't really asked him yet" Zak scratches his head as he waits for George's reaction. He was surprised that George didn't seem to be shocked or anything. George was calm, probably trying to recall what Zak just said.

"It so crazy that I was about to say that it seems like you're lying, but the way to tell it to me seems serious and you're not always this serious when it comes to telling me things like this" George sighed as he looks at Darryl who's looking at the window. George stands up. "I don't want to bother or make you stress so I'll be upstairs. Knock on my door if you need me." George happily waves. Zak sighed in relief. He wait until was George completely gone. He nudges Harvey

"Thank god we have such an understanding roommate like him. I would've died if he weren't." Harvey nods.


"So...where are you comfortable sleeping on? Couch or bed?" Zak asks Darryl. "I don't sleep!" Darryl hums. "What?! Isn't sleep good for your health?" Zak crosses is arms. Darryl sighed and sat on the bed. "Well I mean,  It's my first time being a Guardian Angel. I used to check Angels upon entering so I got used to not sleeping." Darryl shrugs. The two boys jumped from the sudden crash. They rushed and saw George and Harvey laughing at them.

"WE GOT YOU GUYS SO GOOD! I CAN'T BELIEVE THE SPEAKER MADE IT SOUND SO REAL" Harvey was teary eyed. Darryl sighed in relief as Zak was annoyed. "Anyways." George pants as he's trying to calm himself down. "Darryl can we talk privately?" Darryl nods and followed George. "What's up with them?" Zak scratches his head


"Do you need something, George?" Darryl sits on his bed as George crosses his arms. "I think you don't know, huh?" Darryl raises his eyebrow as he was confused. George sighed. "You don't know about me being Harvey's Guardian Angel?" George puts both hands on his waist. Darryl's eyes widened at the sudden question. Thoughts went running up to his head. "Did they suddenly made you one after the 'incident?' " Darryl looked down. "Yeah they did, I never wanted to be one because I'm never the best at protecting lives from this human world." George's face saddened at Darryl's excuse. "Why don't we talk later? We planned heading to a park!" George suddenly changes the mood. Darryl smiled. "Sure." They both head to the kitchen.


The boys went and get food from the food carts in the park. A lot of things happened. Harvey took Zak's phone and the both were running while Darryl and George chats beneath the tree. When they were asking each other. Harvey asked Darryl to smile since he always has his poker face on. Darryl smiled which was blinding for the boys "Alright, I think you should stop my eyes are going blind" The four laughed.

They went home after George and Harvey went to their rooms while Darryl and Zak are left in the living room. Zak started to feel nauseous "hngh" Zak leans onto Darryl's shoulder. Zak has been feeling weird lately ever since they went to that park . "Is anything wrong, Zak?" Darryl looks at Zak worriedly. "I feel weird. I don't know why." Zak looks up at Darryl. Darryl remembered one of his memories from his past. He suddenly kissed Zak's forehead. It took a few seconds for Zak to realize what he did.

"What was that for?!" Zak exclaimed as his cheeks were pink. "I thought I could use my power to make you feel better." Darryl chuckles as he looks at Zak's face getting all pink. "By kissing?!" Zak exclaimed again. Darryl giggles at Zak's reaction and pokes his cheek. "It's how my power works! I hope you don't think something else. I don't want to play with your feelings." Darryl smiles. Zak was doomed with these weird feelings. Zak sighed, The two went to Zak's bedroom. Zak falls onto his messy bed and didn't realize he was sleeping. Darryl was now left awake alone.

Darryl looks at how the boy was sleeping. He sighed and tried to fix the boy's sleeping position because it was abnormal for a human to sleep in that position. After a few minutes, Darryl was able to tuck Zak into bed. He exits his bedroom and roams around the apartment room. The room was pretty clean so he tried to not make a mess or any noise. He sat down on the sofa then he jumps from the sudden loud noise. He runs to the balcony and sees smoke and fire in the city not so far away from them. The weather was windy and it started to drizzle. He knew something was up. He went back in the room to see the boys worried.

"What was that loud noise?" George approaches Darryl. "It's very bad, w- I must go" Darryl rushes to the door but his wrist was pulled back in. "We're going too!" Zak holds onto Darryl's wrist tight. "But-" before Darryl could even finish his sentence he was cut off by George "You're not going to be able to handle it alone, Darryl. You need atleast some back up since majority of the people there have no powers to protect themselves. Its our duty to protect human lives and you know that." Darryl's eyes saddened. "Fine, let's go." Darryl sighs.


The four boys went running since it wasn't that far from their home. They were fast enough to get into the place that was attacked. Darryl gasped and stops. "What's wrong?!" Zak asks worriedly as he sees Darryl not budging. "George, I think we found him..." Darryl says without looking away on what he was seeing "What?" George goes near Darryl and sees a familiar face. That's where he saw him.

It's Vincent.

Gotta end the chapter here! Sorry for the cliffhanger. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Looks like you guys get to see Vincent in action! <33

Anyways see you guys in the new chapter!!

WC: 1245

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