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I slowly opened my eyes to see the ceiling. I groaned on how painful it was to move. I looked to my right to see Sapnap standing and looking through the window. He turned around and saw me. He gasped.

"Clay! Thank god you're awake. How are you?" Sapnap was whispering. I got confused on why he was whispering.

"Why are you whispering?" I say as if my throat was very dry. He grabbed the water on the nightstand and gave it to me. He helped me sit so I can easily drink the water. It took me a while to finally sit down since it was killing me on how strong the pain was. I drank the water. I looked around the room to see George sleeping on my left with his head down on the bed.

"How long have I been sleeping?" I ask Sapnap. He frowned. I jumped from his sudden reaction. Sapnap sighed

"For like the whole day. George was heckin' worried about you." Sapnap crosses his arms. He takes the stool in front of the nightstand and sat on it. He nudges George's arm and he started to groan. When he lifted his head and saw me. His eyes widened.

"Am I dreaming?" George points at me and looks at Sapnap. Sapnap shakes his head.

"OH MY GOD! HOW ARE YOU?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" George was shouting. Sapnap laughs at his reaction. Sapnap smacks his hand on George's mouth and sighs.

"He just woke up don't shout at him. I know you're excited but calm down" he says and removes his hand from George's face. Sapnap stands up and leaves the room

"Is there something wrong?" I ask George. George seemed like he knew something.

"He probably is gonna tell the others that you woke up" George sits back on the stool.


Geo (Spifey)

"HOLD STILL, YOU PUSSY!" Vincent shouts as he's trying to heal Darryl with ice since he suddenly hit his head onto something.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Darryl hissed at Vincent probably because it stings. I facepalmed as the two were fighting. The door suddenly slammed open. The two stopped shouting and looked to see who it was, It was Sapnap. Sapnap frowns after looking at Vincent and Darryl. He clears his throat

"Clay's awake." Once Sapnap said those two words. They both suddenly stood up from the chair. The two rushed and went to go to the room. Sapnap and I were left inside the room. We look at each other and laughed on how the two rushed quickly.

|| Time skip ||

Third Person POV

"They should be somewhat here." Darryl says while looking around the park. I see Zak tries to look around and sees two figures that are seemingly unfamiliar.

"Is that them?" Zak points at the two figures. Darryl looks at where Zak's pointing to. He gasps and runs to them. Zak tries to catch up with him but he's unbelievably fast. He tries to catch his breath as he sees Darryl stopping in front of the two.

"Where have you guys been?" Darryl crosses his arms. The two figures looks at each other. The other one sighed.

"We were only exploring. We decided to go back then we saw that you aren't there anymore. We tried finding you then that's when we heard you became a Guardian Angel and went to this mortal world to protect probably this guy?" The blond points at Zak. Darryl nods. Zak looks at the brunette and goes around him inspecting him. Darryl sees the brunette getting all annoyed. Darryl suddenly pulls Zak beside him.

"My apologies. Zak this is Mega and Zelk. Zelk, Mega this is Zak." Darryl says as he tries to make the three interact and get together.

"I'm Zelk. The mute one's Mega!" Zelk says teasingly while pointing at Mega. Mega got pissed and bites his finger. Zelk shrieked and gets mad for Mega biting his finger. They both fought.

"ENOUGH!" Darryl shouts while separating the two boys from pulling each other's cheeks and hair. They both cross their arms. Zak chuckles at the sudden reaction of the two then suddenly thought of something.

"Darryl, are they your children?" Zak points at the two. Everyone went silent, looking at Zak with a poker face. Silence went upon them. Mega walks towards Zak and hits his head.

"OW! WHAT THE HECK, DUDE!" Zak rubs his head. Zelk laughs and walks to the brunette. Darryl sighs and walks towards Zak pats his back but suddenly slaps his back. Which made Zak jump.

"WHY ARE YOU GUYS HITTING ME A LOT TODAY?!" The three boys looks at Zak and started laughing.

"Anyways" Zelk begins. Everyone looked at him as he clears his throat.

"Darryl, remember what you told us to do? Mega and I were able to find it." Zelk pulls out a pouch and gave it to Darryl. Darryl checks what was inside the pouch and looks at Zelk.

"I knew I could trust you guys!" Darryl hugs Zelk as he pats Mega's head since he knew he wasn't a big fan at affection.



Harvey and I were walking around the park since we decided to follow along Darryl and Zak. I noticed Harvey stressed about something.

"Hey, is something bothering you?" I pat Harvey's head. Harvey stops. He looks at me and sighs.

"Ever since I heard You and Darryl's conversation. I've been wondering. What do you guys meant about the word incident?" I felt my world stopped. 'Have they been listening this whole time? What do they know? Am I ready to tell him the truth about what happened? Is it fine for Darryl to tell Harvey about this? Is-'

"Hey, are you okay?!" Harvey cuts my thoughts off. I sighed.

"Are you really this curious?" I asked while fidgeting my fingers. Harvey nods. I could feel a bead of sweat falling down my head.

"Maybe it's better if I ask Darryl about this so he could tell you and Zak about our whole conversation that day. He knows everything that happened since he was there." I say as I put my hand on his shoulder. We decided to go to Darryl and Zak. When we went there, I saw familiar figures. That's where I realized it was Mega and Zelk. Darryl's assistants.

"Yo! Mega, Zelk. Long time no see, huh" The two turned around.

"Sup, Squirrel!" I stopped and glared at them. Zelk and Mega giggles.

"Shut up, Furry. Hey Mute, what's up?" The two glared at me.

"Stop it you three, I didn't tell you guys to come here and insult each other." Darryl puts his hand on his hip while Zak laughs. The three of us look at each other and grinned.

"OKAY MOM" Zelk and I shouted in unison making Darryl annoyed. Mega pulls Zelk and I's hoodies and we all nodded.

"WHY YOU LITTLE–" The three of us released our wings out and flew up. Darryl does the same. Leaving the two mortal creatures below, laughing.


Hey guys! Sorry for the big delay for this chapter! I was busy that I've almost forgotten that this book existed lol

See you guys at the next chapter again

WC: 1205

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