Chapter 1

16 2 8

Skye's POV

Today's the day. I'm being taken to the doctor's office and I'm finally going to find out what's wrong with me, well sort of my parents are taking me and my brother to the doctor's to get a "check up" But I think there's more to it then just a regular doctor's appointment.
"SKYE GET DOWN HERE WE NEED TO GET GOING" mom yelled from the kitchen
"COMING" I yell back and head down stairs I see my parents and my little brother waiting for me by the door.
"Come one dear were going to be late." dad said
"I know I'm sorry you guys go get in the car let me grab my jacket first and I'll be right out." I said going to the coat closet and grabbing my favourite black hoodie with the bisexual flag on the back and head out the door locking it behind me, I head to the car and off we go.

~Time skip brought to you by stucky it's cannon I swear~

We arrive at the doctor's office and we go inside an wait for us to get called into see the doctor. While we're waiting I text my bff's Kate and seirra and their boyfriend's corbyn and daniel we sorta have a group chat and I'm like the fifth wheel for them but I'm okay with it they try to invite me to hang out with all of them but me and my antisocial and socal anxiety ass say no and stay home reading my fanfictions but sometimes I go. I mean we all go to the same school and have a few classes together and also lunch but other than that I don't get out much but when I do it's either because I have to with family or cause my family forced me to or I just want to. Just them a nurse walked out.
"Skye and Aaron?" The nurse said I stand up with my family and we follow the nurse, get our weight and height and we're taken to a room where we're told to wait for the doctor.
"Why are we here?" I ask confused obviously we're told by our parents that we have an unexpected doctor's appointment a few days ago and told we have to go like why?.
"Because dear we need to have the doctor's takes some test they forgot to do last time." My dad said he seemed a little anxious to be here like maybe something's going on

A/N when things are in italics and stars like so *hello there!*(Yes it's meant to be a starwars pun)That means it in her or whose ever head btw

*I'll ignore it for now I'll figure it out later I guess*

The doctor walked in after a few
"Hello everyone I'm doctor merelle and I'll be your doctor for today It seemed I'll be needing to take some blood samples from Mrs. Skye and Mr. Aaron for further testing is that's alright?" She asked
"Um yes doctor that's quite alright right kids?"Asked Mom
"Yeah I guess" Aaron my little brother said not looking up from his tablet
"Uh sure whatever"I said in a very sarcastic tone
"Alright then let's get started Mrs Skye will you please follow me we'll be right back Mr and Mrs Logan" the doctor said as we exited the room into the hallway where I had recently been but this time we go down a hallway opposite from the one we had came in fromsoon after, we came to a stop.
"Alright Mrs Skye take a seat and we'll get started" dr.merelle said
The doctor motions me to sit down in the chair in front of me which I did. Then she began to get everything she needed ready, soon after had everything ready, faced me and spoke.
"Alright Mrs Skye this will only hurt for a moment just try to hold still now let me see your arm please"

*Warning this scene will have the mention of blood be advised*

I rolled up my sleeve and held still she stuck a needle in my arm and I flinched ever so slightly at the pain soon after she started to fill the seringe with a thick red liquid, yes blood my blood to be exact she filled the seringe about half full with my blood then pulled the needle out of my arm set down the seringe with my blood in it on a tray and wiped the extra blood off my arm and put a bandage on it.
"Alright Mrs Skye all done try and move your arm alot to get rid of the pain and contact me if it swells your free to go back to your room with your parents now" she said
"Mmhm yup will do"I say as I walk back to my room I pull back down my sleeve as I go.
I open the door to the room and walk in everyone was quiet for some reason I ignore it and the doctor come back takes my brother then comes back with him.
"Alrighty your results will be done in a few days we will contact you when there done have a nice day"Dr merelle said and we left.

~time skip brought to you by Lams(Laurens and Hamilton) Laurens is gay and Hamilton is bisexual change my mind~

A few days later and here we are back at the doctor's office in the same very quiet room waiting for the doctor to come with our results. She walks in finally with a clip board and ask my parents outside they seem distraught the moment the doctor asked for them alone outside.


They come back in my mom looking like she was about to cry then the doctor spoke
"Mr Aaron and Mrs Skye the reason we took this test is to see if something was wrong that we could see and we'll Mr Aaron you are okay Mrs Skye on the other hand you have a disease"

"...what kind of disease?"I ask

"A special disease"

"That doesn't explain what kind of disease."

"You can't fall in love"

Oooooo cliffhanger

this is getting good sorry guys I'll update the rest when I can hopefully soon but it all depends I hoped you enjoyed

1063 words

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