Chapter 6

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Daniels POV

Skye was acting a little strange after class she seemed to completely blow off the fact that her doctor told her something would happen if she fell in love with someone, like it didn't bother her at all...

I let out a heavy sigh look at Corbyn then back at Skye as we walk to find the girls.

"You okay?" Corbyn asks

"Yeah just concerned for Skye and all." I force out a little laugh at the end "but I'm sure there's nothing to worry about she just likes the new girl right?"

*Rights?* I thought to my self being interrupted by Corbyn

"Right nothing to worry about...." He said

I could see the concerned look and worry in his eyes as he avoid eye contact with me.

"Hey!" I hit his back playfully and then placing my hand on his shoulder "it'll be okay if anything happens we will be the first to know, I mean we are the closest to her than the others." I finish forcing a smile to cover my worried expression.

"I guess your right..." He says placing a hand on the back of his neck

We continue walking till we hear Skye scream

"KATE, SIERRA I HAVE SO TEA THAT NEEDS SPILT" she says running towards them with an over excited smile plastered on her face.

Me and Corbyn both face palm our faces in embarrassment, and continue walking till we were with the rest of the group.

Corbyn kissed Sierra's forehead and she nuzzled against his arm holding his hand.

I walk over to Kate and hug her from behind wrapping my arms around her waist and resting my chin on her shoulder.

"SPILL THE TEA GIRL" Kate and Sierra said at the same time

(A/N POV change )

Skye's POV

So one we gather the girls and I'm ready to spill my tea I see the boys got comfortable with their girlfriends so I let them have their moments then I hear.

"SPILL THE TEA GIRL" coming from both Kate and Sierra at the same time

"Okay so there's this new girl right"I begin

"Uh hu" they say again

"Her name it's tsuki but she goes by Suki for short and......" I pause for dramatic effect

"SPIT IT OUT ALREADY" they say frustrated with the endless suspense I was building up

"Ok ok chill" I hold up my hands in defense " well I may or may not have a little tiny crush on her" I said my face becoming a light shade of pink.

"WHAT" they basically screamed their boyfriends covering their ears and almost everyone looked at us.

*This is embarrassing*

I think to myself my face becoming a major shade of red from both blushing and embarrassment.

"Guys this is embarrassing" I say hiding my face in my hands their boyfriends going back to the position they we in.

"Skye this is big" Kate started off

"What about what the doctor said?" Sierra finished

"Guys chill I'll be fine" I said "Its just a tiny crush it's not like I'm falling head over heels for her besid--" just then she walked by me cutting off what I was saying and looking at her blushing madly as she walked by

"Mhm just a little crush" Daniel smirked making me glare at him still blushing and making the other laugh

"Ughhh okay fine we'll talk about this later come one S
Kate and Sierra we'll be late to class if we don't go now." I said ignoring Daniels annoying remark

"Awwwe but Im comfortable."Sierra said hugging corbyn's arm tighter

"Me too." Kate said leaning back closer to Daniels chest

"Well come on you'll see them at lunch" I said grabbing their hands and dragging them to class

"Buttt skyeeee" they both put on a slight pout face and I wave bye to the boys still dragging them behind me

I ignore their constant whining about me make them leave their boyfriends and continue on to class. We get there in the nick of time and sit in our assigned desks.

~le time skip brought to you by me writting this at 2 in the morning because I need help~

After class we meet up with the boys again but this time for lunch we all head to the parking lot to go to my Jeep we all get in and talk about small stuff as we head to get something to eat cause school food fucking sucks.

We arrive at some restaurant and order.

"Sooo" Corbyn says "anything on the mysterious diseases Skye?"

"Nope nothing" I said " it's weird thought I feel....different."

"Different" Daniel joins in "what do you mean?"

"I don't know how to explain it" I said placing my head in my hands "it's like somethings happening when ever I'm around Suki almost like butterflies in my stomach but not at the same time you know?"

"Yeah" Kate added the others nodded in agreement

"I just....ughh I don't know" I complained putting my head on the cold table

After a few minutes we get our food and head back to the school.

"Lil pup?" Daniel said sweetness hiding the worriness in his voice.

I look over at him a little still trying to focus on driving back to the school

"It'll be okay" he smiled " and I promise we'll be there for you no matter what happened"

I sent him a reasuring smile as I continue to drive us back to school.

~le nother time skip brought to you by me being the mom friend in my friend group lol ~

It was the end of the day and we were finally going home. I waited for the other at my Jeep so I can drive them home.

They finally arrived and we were in our way first stop was Corbyn and Sierra we said our byes and left.

Next was Kate she had plans with some other friends so she couldn't hang out with Daniel, me, Corbyn, or sierra not that any of us minded I mean Corbyn and Sierra were hanging out any way. We said our byes Daniel kissed Kate before she left then we drove off.

Last stop was Daniel.

"Hey." He said I fiddled with my fingers "look at me?" I did

"It'll be okay I promise" he looked at me with that loving older brother look "we'll always be here for you Skye and that's another promise" he finished

She kissed me on my forehead in a brother like way I mean that's what I thought of him as was an older brother and that wouldn't change. I said thanks and bye and I went home.


A/N okay so Skye is staring to get hanahaki disease (Google it if needed) and while doing so the next few chapters are gonna be a bit depressing they will include  a lot of sweating, self harm, blood, and other things so be advised. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Words 1172

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