Chapter 4

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Corbyn's POV

Today's the day your gonna finally tell Sierra your full feallings for her in the form of a promise ring. I'm pacing back and forth in my room I know the dates not today but I'm still freaking out. I honestly don't know what I'm gonna do I've got everything ready and i just want this to be perfect but I feel something's missing.

"THE RING! Omg no no no where's the ring" i says freaking out " this is not good what so ever"

Just then Skye and Kate broke in like they owned the place which isn't suprising they always seem to know when something's wrong.

"Thank fucking God you guys are here, I need your help I can't find the ring." I say rambling words in a panic

"Okay chill the fuck out my dude it's fine we'll help you look for it" Skye said trying to calm me down

Skye seems like the rational one in the group but I know different, she's really irrational and immature she swears alot and I mean A LOT and shes really got some problems with well everything mainly family and school though.

"How can I calm down when I lost the ring I was gonna give her TOMORROW!!!!!!"I screeched

"Corbyn chill were just trying to help" Kate said

Ah yes the artistic fan girl Kate just like seirra shes a major fan girl of the band me and Daniel are in together known as why don't we she's also very artistic and likes drawing/writing she very weird and likes dancing or just doing random crap if no one's watching she also has a habit of stalking she's our little detective kinda.

"You two are supposed to help me not calm me down." I said

"Well if you calm down then you'll be able to tell us what happened?"Kate said

"Well I had everything ready and i thought I had the ring but when i check where it was it was gone and I don't know where it went" I said

"Did you check your pockets?" Skye said in a annoyed voice

I check my pockets and sure enough the ring was there.

"SKYE YOU FUCKING GENIUS THANK YOU" I said a little to loud and dramatic hugging her really tight.

"Okay okay too tight let me go dumb-ass."she said as I continue to hug her really tight

I let her go "oops sorry." I say "thanks again guys."

~le time skip to the next day brought to by my irl friends Kate and seirra who stalk why don't we~

Okay today's the day my friends I'm gonna give my girlfriend of 3 years a promise ring I know it may seem late cause I should've don't it on our anniversary a year ago but I wanted this to be special so I decided to do it on our third year anyways Skye and Kate are keeping her busy for the time being so I guess it's time to get ready.

~another le time skip brought to you by my many different starwars ships that I will not name lol~

Okay everythings ready the place I've got the ring I'm in a tux hopefully she's wearing the dress I picked out for her well she should be cause the girls made her oops I'm rambling i need to calm down breath.



Okay I think that worked, and now we wait for her well them cause Skye and Kate are bringing her here blindfolded so they kinda have to help oh well I guess I didn't think this through very well, well that part atleast.

Seirra's POV

Kate and Skye made me wear this dress I'm a little nervous about cause it's white but it's really pretty they also said it's from corbyn so of course I'll wear it.

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