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C H A E L I S A  O N E S H O T

Lisa’s POV

“Love? Can I call you?”

“Honnnn! I have something to tell you!”

“I am currently eating, let’s talk after. Okay?”

“Hon, I missed you… let’s talk some time later okay?”

“Love? I am hungry :< I want to eat”

These are the messages that I usually receive from Chae, my girlfriend. Texts that can soothe and shoo away the pain and tiredness that I usually feel everyday. We’re in a relationship for almost 17 months now. Not to mention, we’re involved in a long distance relationship.

“Hon? Are you busy? Can we talk?”

Then we started to talk through voice call. We haven’t met in person yet but we’re both legal in both sides. Hence, both of our parents knew about our relationship. We’ve been into different struggles and trials and yet, we remained stable and solid.


“Are you there?”

“Can I call you?”

And with these texts, I got worried. There must a problem. Of course, I will be there for her. Always.

“Honey? What’s wrong? You can tell me baby. I am willing to listen.” I said as I kept my voice stable, soothing and calm.

“I-It’s just mom and d-dad fought” she said, stuttering from her cold sobs as I listened to her and still worried.

“Hey… baby. Shush, I’m right here. Don’t worry, they will be fine. Trials, that’s just that. Don’t worry love, you know your parents more than I do but still, they’ll fix that. Shush now, I am just here.” I said while trying to calm her down.

“Hug me… please.. “ she said, still sobbing

“I wish I could. Sending you ghost hugs! You can’t feel it but it’s there.” I said lowkey chuckling but deep inside. I am urged to just storm inside their house and hug her tight as possible. BUT I COULDN’T.

“Hug me so tight when we meet, okay?” these words made me blue.

Damn, the urge… like I wanted to hug her so tight but due to distance, I couldn’t. Wait for a little bit baby, SOONEST, WE WILL MEET. IN THE RIGHT TIME AND IN THE RIGHT PLACE.

2 months later…

Chae’s POV

“Chae darling? I need you to take care of the house while your dad and I go to the mall okay?”

“Okay mom!”  I shouted back as they exited the house.

Lisa’s POV

“Honey?” text sent 9:35 AM

“Where you at?” text sent 10:05 AM

“Oh hey honey, I’m going home.” text sent 10:11 AM

“From?” text sent 10:13 AM

“Just from somewhere :))” text sent 11:26 AM

“Where the hell have you been!? You haven’t sent me a single message right when you left!” text sent 11:26 AM

“Don’t be mad love, I am just busy. Gotta treat these very special persons of ours in a date!” text sent 11:30 AM

Honey sent a photo.

She called me right after I sent that photo.

“Wait what!? Hon!? Is that really you!?”

“What do you mean love?”

“Is that really you? W-with mom and d-dad!?”

“Yes honey, treated them! Sorry for being unavailable at the moment.”

“Why haven’t you told me!? Where you at? Which mall?”

“I thought your parents told ya. Oh  well love, I won’t tell.”

“I hate you :<<”

“I know you still love me.”

I Treated her parents  for a meal, to formally and personally introduce myself to them.

After that very important event, her parents went home and I told them not to say anything  about where I am at.

Chae’s POV

I heard the door opened with a lot of laughter and noises upon entering our house.

“Wow, that Lisa is funny. Right hon?”

That must be mom.

“Well yeah, how are we supposed to tell Chae about her?”

And dad.

I Got triggered and went downstairs and greeted them with open eyes.

“Mom? Dad? Where is Lisa? She’s with you guys right? I saw you with her having a meal! Mom why haven’t you told me-“

“Calm down dear. She went home already.”


“Yes bub. She went home and asked me to tell you that she will be seeing you next summer. She still have loads of stuffs to do back in her hometown.” Dad explained.

I can’t believe it. She just went home and she bear not seeing me at all? Damn. I hate her.

“Wow, great. First, you haven’t told me that you’re going here and have a meal with my parents, second you haven’t told me which mall so I could catch up. And third, you just went home without seeing me!? Really?” text sent 5:45 PM

“Hey, are you mad at me?” text sent 5:50 PM

Honey sent a photo.

“At your house… smiling… really? I hate you Lalisa Manoban! Don’t ever talk to me and talk to the wall!”

Lisa’s POV

“You can’t reply to this conversation anymore.”

Wow… really? I messed it up. Damn she’s mad.

Chae’s POV

How dare she is… we’ve been dreaming to meet each other for almost 2 years now and she just went here to have a meal with my parents!? A freaking mealllll!!!

I decided to drift off to sleep and I didn’t unblocked her. It’s her fault not mine.

I woke up with a scent that’s so alluring but super unfamiliar to me. A strong arm that’s around my waist and still pulling me as close as possible. An arm that I am currently laying with my head with. Chest attached with my back that I could feel its breathing from behind. And a face snuggled behind my head.

“Wait, this is what I have always wanted… a back hug while I am sleeping… a hug from her…” I thought

“Is this really her?”

“You’re awake.”

What!? That voice… that’s her voice.. that’s her! I faced the person from behind.

And it really was the person that I am longing to meet and hug with. The person I wanted to spend my life with. Lisa…

“I love you honey.”

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