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Just a little further!

Yes, yes! Noooooooooo!

Alright again. Get up stupid thing! Up I said!

Scissors flew through the air and slowly opened themselves, heading for the tape that lay spread out on the table. When it reached the tape it cut of a small piece and dropped dead on the table.

Now it was the turn of the piece of tape to fly. It floated through the air with a speed even a snail would have been ashamed of. The tape wasn't. It kept floating until it finally reached a rectangular piece of paper on which another piece of tape was already attached. The tape floated above the paper for a second to then slowly placed itself on the piece of paper.

Next the piece of paper started to float. It slowly flew up and then turned. Now it was facing a small stone statuette of a man. It headed for the statuette and then attached itself firmly to its feet. Seeming to think the paper wasn't secured well enough a stick flew up as well and started to rub the paper. When the paper finally was attached so it would never come off, the stick fell to the ground. It landed with a loud bang.

Yes!!! Finally! Now I just have to text James and all will be fine.

If he could Leo would have danced around like a mad person. But he couldn't, because that is the small problem that comes with turning yourself into a statue. You can't move.

In his mind Leo let out a sigh of relief. It had been almost an entire day since he had turned into stone and he could feel all his muscles stiffen. He was also very hungry. He hadn't eaten anything that day except one slice of bread with jam. Even more annoying was the pressing need he felt that had nothing whatshowever to do with food entering his body and everything with the food coming out.

In his mind he hit his head against a wall.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

I just had to do it, didn't I? I couldn't just use my wand or, even better don't toy around with magic at all. I just had to let it get to my head! Five days went by without any accident and I immediately think I can turn my bread into croissants!

Yes, but in his defense, he hadn't had a croissant in so long. They didn't sell them anywhere around here. Or it was just his bad luck that he hadn't been able to find any.

James will laugh so hard, but I deserved it. I should just stick to using magic only when strictly necessary.

"When all else fails, then throw a little magic at it", his friend was font of saying. And he was right, all though Leo would adjust the saying a bit. "When all else fails, still try to not throw a little magic at it."

He scowled in his head. Not that he didn't like magic. He loved magic, he just wasn't very good at controlling his magic. That was why he had his wand. So he could center his powers into an object and through that use it. A wand was common to use... for young warlocks. Usually up until 40 years old.

Leo was what you call a special case. He was 291. He didn't need his wand for everything. He could do small things, like move objects. But that was basically it. Luckily he only needed to be able to see the object to move it. Otherwise he would have been doomed to spent the rest of his very long immortal life as a statuette.

Mentally sighing Leo decided he had rested enough to continue with his plan.

The stick that he had dropped on the ground earlier now came back to life again. It flew up and slowly made its way to the cellphone lying next to a half finished breakfast.

Leo's stomach grumbled at the sight of it. It may not be croissants, but his stomach had been empty the whole day. Soon, he promised himself. Soon he would stuff himself so full a hamster would intimidated.

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