Kidnapped by, some random guy?

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Leo woke up, luckily not with a stomach ache. Unluckily, the stomach ache was replaced with a head ache.

Sitting up, he groaned and gripped for his aching head. When he touch the back of his head his fingers got covered in sticky red stuff. Ew, he quickly wiped his hand clean on his trousers. They were red anyway, the blood blended in nicely.

Judging from the color of the blood his head wasn't bleeding that bad anymore, he didn't have to worry about that. He did, however, have to worry about where in heaven's name he was. The bare stone walls and bars seemed to say 'dungeon'. Which is totally different from a prison cell. Prison cells usually had a bed, sometimes even a chair. The suite Leo was in didn't have that luxury.

Maybe he had been wrong to say 'where in heaven's name'. 'Hell' was more likely. God and his angels were supposed to be a nice fellows, so they probably didn't kidnap people.

That was what had happened to him, right? He had been kidnapped.

After thinking it out loud, Leo realized it was true. It was strange. It had been about one hundred and seventy years, and now he was kidnapped? He assumed his abductors were the men that had chased him earlier that day. There wasn't any reason for random people to kidnap him. His family hated his guts, so ransom was out of the question, and if it was some witch-hunting squad, they would've killed him.

Leo's heart rate went up. He was in some serious trouble. Not right now, but in a day or two? Definitely.

Beside him Leo felt something move. When he looked at the movement he stated that he wasn't the only one who got kidnapped.

Poor girl. He'd dragged her into this merde. The lump in his throat grew larger. It was his fault she was also here. He had a few ideas as to what would happen to him--lock him in an object, make him a slave, torture him, just straight up kill him, or torture him and then kill him, that where a few of those ideas--but what would happen to Luna? Hopefully she would just have to sign a document that made it impossible for her to speak about what she saw.

From the ground next to him came a groan, and Leo saved his questions away for later. Luna groaned again and gripped for her head while sitting up.

"What happened? We were going to your friend, when all of a sudden you fell onto the ground and I got hit on my head. Next thing I know we're in a..." she looked around, "...dungeon?"

Leo's hand moved to scratch the back of his head, but he stopped it just in time when he remembered his head wound. He scratched his ear instead.

How does one tell a lady she had been kidnapped, because yours truly had done something stupid more than hundred years ago, and now had to pay the price for that? Maybe he should build up to it.

"We've been kidnapped."

Or he could just cut straight to the case.

Luna glared at him, making Leo's eyebrows almost reach the ceiling. She glared? Was this the same person that ran out of his shop because she thought he was a vampire? She still had light brown hair, blue eyes, a few freckles and that one adorable birthmark on her neck. He supposed that meant it was still Luna, and Luna was still glaring at him.

"I figured that much," she said, "I meant it more like: why are we kidnapped? And by who?"

Leo opened his mouth, and closed it again. Why were they kidnapped? Did he want to share the answer to that with her? Err, no. It wasn't really something he liked talking about. He opened his mouth again, but before he could say anything Luna already spoke for him.

"Maybe I shouldn't ask you. You're probably having the same questions right now."

"Oui, you're right. I have absolutely no clue whatsoever as to why we are kidnapped, or by who. No clue at all."

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