Not a bug

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 The girl nervously opened her mouth. And closed it again. And opened it again. Why she was so nervous? Leo still didn't know.

"I...I'd like to.."

Yes, she'd like to what? Leo smiled at her in what he hoped was a reassuring way, but from the way the girl nervously swallowed before finishing her sentence he supposed it was not. He couldn't help it. He was just too impatient. What was it that James had wanted to show him?

" for the coffee. Can I get the bill?"

That was what she interrupted him for?! Leo almost snorted indignant. Well, maybe it was just as well. Now she could just pay the bill and then he and James could continue their conversation.

When the girl had left the cafe and James sat down again Leo was burning with impatience.

"So? What did you have for me? Another object? Information? A new customer?"

James took his time to sit down and slowly reached inside his pocket. Leo eyed his friend suspiciously. The face of his friend didn't give anything away, but he was almost certain James was doing everything slow on purpose.

"To answer your last three questions, no. I just had an idea. You use your want as an object to central your powers, am I correct?"


"Well I had a thought. It is just a hypothesis really, but maybe it could work."

James opened his hand, showing a wooden ring.

"You use your want to channel your magic, because it somehow gives you a little control. But, do you necessarily need your want? Or could you use something else to channel your magic...."

Slowly Leo began to realize where this was going. After a brief pause James continued.

"...Something else, a more normal item, like a ring?"

James handed Leo the ring. Leo eyed it, a happy feeling spreading through him. If this worked it would seem like he could do magic without his want! Finally other warlocks would stop looking at him funnily. Slowly he took the ring and put it on.

"Now try something small. And focus please. I like my cafe just as it is and I don't need you destroying it."

Deciding it was probably best to ignore those last few words Leo concentrated. Something small, something harmless, but where he did need his want for. In a hunch Leo tugged at his hair. It had been short dark brown for some time now. Maybe it was time for a change.

He closed his eyes to concentrate. Maybe he could try shoulder length brown hair with a few colored strands in it? Some nice purple and gold like strands, yes that would do it.

"Leonard, change my hair back this instant!"

Leo opened his eyes and studied James. Hmm, maybe he shouldn't take that haircut. It didn't really look as nice as he thought it would. Not on James anyway.


"Yes, yes." Leo murmured closing his eyes again. But then what should he do with his hair? Maybe just slightly long curly, brown hair, something in between shoulder length and short? Yes, that would look better, but first he had to change James hair back.

"Leonard, it is very nice that you changed your own hair now, but I don't need the same haircut as you. I can tell the difference between longish hair and my own short black haircut."

Leo opened his eyes again.


He quickly closed his eyes again, picturing James' usual hair, but not before he got a good look of James' current haircut which was apparently the same as his right now. He quite liked it.

"Thank you Leonard. Now, I think we can state that the ring works." James said while he stroke his hand through his own hair.


Why? Why was she such a coward? Luna was hiding behind a tree close to the cafe. She wanted to hit herself, shout at herself and she was doing that. In the safe surrounding of her head.

She had nothing to say for herself. She chickened out. Again. But she wouldn't next time! Luna would follow him and then talk to him, in a nice public place. Preferably at a table in the middle of a crowded lunchroom or something.

A place with more then just one other person around, not like in the cafe. The black haired man had seemed quite nice, but from the way he had acted to the vampire she was following Luna supposed they were befriended. Which meant that he was probably a vampire himself, or some other supernatural being.

Luna shivered. She had just been in company of two vampires! True, the black haired one seemed nice, too nice. Too charming. Like those flowers that attracted bugs with sweet syrop, to eat them when they came close enough. She wasn't going to be a bug!

No, she wasn't a bug. A bug didn't know how to defend itself, she did. But would she be able to act if she ever needed to, or would she freeze in fear? Luna sincerely hoped she'd never find out. And who knew, maybe she wouldn't have to. After all, vampires were civalised creatures. Luna didn't even know why she was so scared of them. She just was. Even though the rational part of her brain told her that they wouldn't kill her— since that attracted to much attention, and even if they did try she could defend herself. Luna just couldn't help herself.

But now was not the time to think about that. It would only make her more scared and right now, she had to follow the vampire that had just walked out the cafe. Or maybe...frisked out the cafe was a better description? Luna had never seen a vampire frisk, but this one definitely seemed to be doing it. It somehow put her a bit at ease. It made the vampire seem more human. Something seemed wrong though. Didn't he have short dark hair before? Or maybe she just hadn't seen it right? Luna supposed it was the latter, because right now he definitely had longer and a bit curly light brown hair.

Gathering her courage she stepped from behind the tree and followed the vampire that now gamboled across the street.

After waiting in front of his shop for sometime, again, Luna's patience was finally rewarded. He came out and she followed him, gathering her courage. This time she would address him!

When she was closer she swallowed one last time and put on a smile. A smile she was determined to keep. Then she tapped him on the shoulder. He stopped walking and when he noticed her his eyes slightly narrowed.

Luna wet her lips. They seemed very dry all of a sudden.

"I-I...I um.."

Come on, she could do this! She was in a public place!

Yes, but what if he decides to do it anyway? What if he grabs you and drags you into the nearest alley to suck you dry?

Luna ignored the voice in her head.

"I wanted to discuss something. With you...ask something I mean." She smiled nervously.

Damn, why was she so scared! He could probably hear her heart beating right now.

But if the vampire noticed he didn't show it. A smile lit up his face.

"You want to discuss something you wanted to ask? Well I am free now so..." His voice trailed off and so did his eyes. They widened just the slightest bit, before quickly focusing on her again. The smile that disappeared when his eyes trailed off was put into place once more. When he spoke next it was hurriedly and with a hint of a french accent.

"..we can discuss it now..." He hurriedly looked around as if looking for an escape route and pointed enthusiastically at a nearby shop. "...Inside there. Wonderful place there. Really wonderful. You can buy stuff like food and...err bread and the food is really alimentaire. Aren't you hungry? It is around noon, most people are hungry around then. I just had a marvelous idea, let's go inside! Really a great idea."

With that he grabbed Luna by her arm and before she could do anything about it she was being dragged inside a sandwich shop.


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