A long way from home

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Luna had kept her eyes open the entire time. Now she blinked heavily in an effort to keep her eyes open in the unexpected bright light.

Bright light?

In the dungeon it had been dark and cold. The temperature hadn't changed, but it was not pitch black anymore. The sky was still dark, but there were lanterns to drive away the night. It was snowing too, and she could already feel the layer of snow on the ground seeping through the material of her shoes and soaking her socks. In dungeons it didn't snow. Not in proper ones anyway.

Conclusion, they weren't in the dungeon.

While Luna let that sink in, she looked at Leo. He held his eyes firmly shut. Like he really didn't want to open them ever again. She was about to pinch him, when he carefully peeked through his eyelashes. His body was all tense, as if he expected to see something dreadful flying at him any second now. When that didn't happen he relaxed and completely opened his eyes. He held a slightly amazed look in his eyes when he looked at Luna. Then his eyes moved on, checking the surroundings. Luna followed his example.

They were in a street. The houses were very high, with either three or four floors. They looked slightly old-fashioned. On the side of the street cars were parked. Those didn't look old-fashioned. The cars all pointed in the same direction. When Luna turned and followed the trail of cars further down the street, she could see the bright and colorful lights of shops, and she heard the sounds you hear at a shopping district.

They weren't in Leo's shop, or his friend's cafe. Where they were, Luna had not the slightest clue. This was not the same city she had arrived in yesterday. Snow could fall down fast, but a feet in less than eight hours was very unlikely considering the speed with which the snow was falling down right now. Leo would know where he had teleported them to, but why to here?

Teleported, something that had to do with magic, Luna suddenly realized. What if someone had seen them?

Luna spun herself back round to look if there was anyone outside who could have seen them appear out of thin air. Behind her, now in front of her, Leo was circling around too. When he stood still he looked as white as a sheet. If Luna hadn't known better she would've definitely thought he was a vampire right now. For a second he seemed to have turned into stone again, as stock-still as he stood there. Though he looked as if he was about to run away as fast as his legs could carry him, and he didn't give a flying fig about the direction.

What was wrong with him? Had he perhaps seen someone seeing them? At that thought, Luna felt a tiny bit of horror wash over her as well. She would be in big trouble if she didn't deal with whoever had spotted them.

But, when Luna followed Leo's gaze, there was not a soul to be seen. No curtains closing rapidly either.

"No," Leo finally uttered.

Luna looked back at him, slightly puzzled.

"'No' what? You did it Leo! We're safe now."

Leo didn't seem to agree with her now he finally awoke from his frozen state. He shook his head, causing Luna to frown.

"Yes, we are safe. We're outside the dungeon. As in, not trapped anymore."

Leo shook his head again, and he turned to look all around him. After an inspection of the entire street, he turned back and grabbed her arm. He wet his lips in a nervous manner. When he spoke his accent was clearly noticeable.

"No, you don't understand, Luna." He paused to scan the street again. Luna knitted her eyebrows together as she realized he was panicking. When he spoke again he lowered his voice to a loud whisper.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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