Chapter 1: The Elevator.

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Chloe's P.o.v: I was woken up with screaming and a glass being throw. "Oh god I have to go down there"

I walk down stairs being afraid of getting glass throw at me. Then my parnets noticed that I came down. First my mom starts yelling at me "YOU ARE THE REASON THAT YOUR BROTHER LEFT" then my dad starts "YOU RUINED ARE FAMILY YOU BITCH" I think that is the only time when my parnets get along. So I run upstairs grab my phone get dressed and jump out my window and start walking. I walked really far. I went to the drug store (Aka Pharmacy) and bought a drink. I walked back home and saw no cars. "Thank Gosh" I went inside and went upstairs. I looked on my computer for jobs. I find one for starbucks. I apply. 

Jordan's P.O.V: I wake up to the sound of Sam jumping on to my bed. I look out my window I see workers working on the road "Oh Great" I think, another month of only trucks and beeps coming from my window. But I have to deal with it to make quilty videos.

Chloe's P.O.V I wake up in the middle of the night screaming. I run into the bathroom grab a razor and cut. I cut two on each wrist. I deserve it anyway. I here my parnets are up and fighting. "Ugh not again" So I go into my mom's room secretly and see the box "Money for collage" I grab it and run into my room. 5,000. "I think thats enough for a plane ticket and a apartment". So I pack. I pack clothes, makeup, skittles, snapple, razors and my lucky sweater. I go outside and ask a "Friend" to drive me to the airport. Little did she know that I'm running away. I look for the cheapest flight. I find Seattle as the cheapest to fly to. "Maybe I'll end up meeting Bayani" I laughed alittle at the end. On the flight I looked at my phone. "Of corse typically girl things" I see that Bayani uploaded a new cube. I watch it. It was the with Graser. (Silly Robot). (After Plane ride). I get a cab and ride around trying to find apartments for sale. I find one for sale and buy it. "They have elevators. Stay calm and just take the stairs". I take the stairs up to my apartment and here my nighbour yelling "KILL HIM KILL HIM COME ON YOU GOT THIS" I laugh. I unpack and go to sleep.

Bayani's P.O.V: I see that I have a new nighbour now! Yay, no more yelling or screaming. I see that see it's a girl. She has brown hair and glossy green eyes. This is awesome I think I have a hot new nighbour. I start to day dream about her then realize that i'm playing an SG with Graser then hear Graser screaming "KILL HIM KILL HIM COME ON YOU GOT THIS" I shake then kill him. I hear the girl nextdoor laughing.

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