Chapter 6: Love?

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Chloe's P.O.V: Me and Jordan were having watching a Ep of one of Bayani's Sgs and it turned into a pilliow fight. That pilliow fight was fun for about 2 seconds. After those two seconds I noticted somthing on Jordan's arm. It wasn't a braclet nor a rubberband it was somthing that you would never image. It was cuts. He had a about 7-8 cuts. There were not fresh but they were still cuts. I stopped the pilliow fight and got sad. He was half way through his "What" when he fell and started crying. Then I fell and cryed he held me in his arms and I cuddled him. He pulled down his sleeve so I couldn't see the cuts. But I rolled up his sleeve then mine. He started crying even more. I knew he knew I had cuts. I knew because in the elevator I had my eyes open alittle bit and saw him look at my cuts then roll his sleeve up and cry quietly. All the memories started to flow through my head. When I tried to jump when he told me he tried to jump and everything. I went into the bathroom. But this time he came with me. This time he grabed my razors then ran down the stairs and threw them out. I didn't fight nor did I get mad. I was happy. Then we calmed down and I got "Dressed" I put on my lucky sweater and black leggings, and Jordan put on "His lucky sweater" (Aka my sweater but he had it too) and we watched a movie. Then he got on his skype and called someone called "The Gang" I was confused. But then they anwersed and to my suprise it was Hbomb, Graser, Grape, Dul, Stacy, Straub, Bee, Kermit but there was one person missing. Bayani. I was still crying because I was so happy. Then all of them at once said "Hey Bayanidooooood". I was shocked. Then he turned on his webcam and asked me to be his girlfriend. I said "Yes"! and he kissed me. 

Jordan's P.O.V: After that mess with me running downstairs and us crying I got up skype and changed "The Cube Smp Group" to "The Gang" and I skyped them and Chloe's looked so confused. She wispred to me "Were's Bayani" Then all at once everyone said "Hey Bayanidoooooooood" and she had the happist/confusedist look on her face. Then I turned on the webcam and asked her to be my girlfriend. She had happy tears streaming down her face and said "Yesss"! and I kissed her. Then she said "Don't let go please" I said "Never".

OMF I'M SO SORRY THE FEELS IN THIS ARE REAL AND ITS FEGIYWCDYI@VCGFIVWYDH. I'm sorry I left it on a cliff hanger. Sorry Chloe........................... (But Chloe its soooooooooooo Sushi) XD      -Mallory :D     (I will try to write about 1 2 3 4 or 5 chapters tonight) But it depends on if if I have time tonight.

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