Chapter 5: The Fancy T.V

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Chloe's P.O.V: When I got discharged from the hospital Jordan was there to pick me up. We went home and I got to stay in his apartment until night. Bascially that whole day he was cleaning up his bathroom and fixing are windows so we can't open them. He trusted me to go to my apartment and put on my Pj's and wait for him in my room. I went in my room and made sure I wore Pj's with long sleeves so he didn't see my cuts. I went into the bathroom and cut 6 cuts. Then Jordan knocked. I cleaned up the blood then let him in. He had on the same sweater as me. It was a green and brown sweater. We laughed. He asked if we could watch T.V. I said yes. But told him we were watching youtube. He was confused. I said I have a special  T.V. were we can watch youtube. I turned on an sg of xBayani's. He started laughing. I asked why. He said nothing. I said that he saved my life and I wanted to meet him. He said Oh really. In a way knowing somthing that I don't. I pushed him and said "Tell Me" in a joking way. He said what. I said "You know" and he said "You'll find out" I laughed and said Ok.

Bayani's P.O.V: When I went into Chloes room she turned on her T.V. and went to youtube and turned on xBayani. I started laughing because it could here my own stupid voice talking to Grape and Hbomb. She asked me what. I said nothing. I want to suprise her by skyping everyone from the Cube and talking to them and I would talk about her in one of my videos. Then at the end ask her to be my girlfriend. At the end of the video she started to sing along to my end music. I laughed again. She pushed me I pushed her then we started to have a pillow fight. My sleeve must of fell because she stopped and looked sad. I asked why she looked so sad. She pointed to my arm and I fell. I just fell and started crying. She started to cry and ask why. I said that this was from months ago and I did that because I felt alone and no one loved me. I said that when she was walking on the edge of the building I had done the same thing but someone saw me so I didn't jump. 

OMG! This feels on this chapter. I think that this is my favorite chapter so far. 


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