Chapter 2: Dark & Scared

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Chloe's P.O.V: I wake up to someone banging on my door. I say hold your horses wait a second. They say "But I don't have horses" I laugh. I get dressed and i'm wearing my black tangtop and my leggings with a sweater. I get up and open the door to see my nighbour. He has blondish/brownish hair and brown eyes. "All I have to say is he is hotter then a oven". He says "Let me intrdouce myslef, i'm Jordan i'm your nextdoor nigbour, and i'm going to take you on an advuture" He grabs me by the waist and starts running. I start screaming like a child and he starts laughing. He hits the elevator button. "Im scared out of my mind but I don't want to make a bad impression so I went with it". The elevator opens and Jordan and I get in. The elevator lights start blinking. I asked if this is what normally happens. Jordans says "I don't think so" Then the power goes out and the elevator stops. I get so scared that I start screaming "JORDAN HELP JORDAN ARE YOU HEAR HELP HELP". Jordan knows whats going on. He knew I was having a panic attack. So he came up to me and and hugged me and starts cuddling me. Telling me "Its ok. Your ok no one is going to hurt you. Your ok I won't let go"

Bayani's P.O.V: I went to go vist my nighbour and she is nice/funny and shy. She is amazing. I went to come and greet her around 8 in the morning lets just say that was the best decison ever. I started knocking on her door and she said "Hold your horses" and I said "But I don't have any" I could hear her laughing. She finally opened the door and I grabed her by the waist and ran down to the elevator. We went in the elevator and it broke. They power went out and she started have a panic attack. She was screaming my name and crying. At that point I knew that she struggles with depression and anxeity. That made me love her 100x more. I went up to her and started hugging and cuddling her saying its all right i'm not going to hurt you. No one will hurt you. 

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