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I always knew I had some kind of purpose. Almost everyone I had ever met besides my parents of course, told me I was worthless. No one had any use of me, I was a mistake. They were all terribly wrong. You see, I found God. He has lifted me far above them, and I smile at the sky and welcome the sunshine that shimmers down onto my pale freckled skin. I drink the blood, and eat the body of

christ. I sing to the high heavens every Sunday with mum and dad. They took me away from a dark

place, and have gifted me with God's warm light. At least, that's what it appeared to them. I was

happy to go to church, and go to school. But every school has it's troubles. So does every Church,

and the dark place I was taken from still remains in my nightmares. God can not wash away these

memories. No matter how loud I sing, no matter how hard I pray, they'll always be there. Eating away

at my brain, the tissue deteriorating faster then it can repair itself. But my parents don't believe in

doctors. As they would say when the school would recommend them to get me checked out. They

didn't mean you'er regular check up doctor. No, they meant more of a psychiatrist. But it is only the

voice of God that speaks to me, I swear to him. Sometimes there are other voices, demons that

whisper bad things. They want me to do bad, terrible things to the people that have hurt me. But it

would only make me just as bad, even worse then these people. For years, I have argued with them.

They plot to consume what is left of my sanity I tell you! God barely speaks to me! But.. as I was saying,

all these years I have also been plotting. I went to college to become a computer programmer. When

I got my degree, I got a job with Microsoft in the IT department. Why you ask would I want to have a

Job like this? The computer advantage over my enemies, I know everything they do. I not only

program, but I can hack into anything that is connected into a computer. I worked in a typical office


I didn't socialize with any of the other cubes. They all pestered me and I have no tolerance for

ignorance. Even though I am a man of God, it does not mean I am like every other stereotypical

Church goer. Even though kindness it promoted, I don't have much of it. I still hadn't gone to the

doctors, any kind at that matter. I was raised not to, so I was most comfortable not going to the

doctors. The demons in my mind would leave me alone at work, but on return home to my small

apartment in the city, they would pick up again. By this time in my life I was twenty eight. The voice

of God in my mind was shut out, I couldn't hear him anymore. It was only the demonic presence that


I started listening. I had no choice, the voices would scream in my head. The sound waves bouncing

around inside of my skull, making it vibrate. My headaches would turn into migraines. They told me

there was only one cure for it, the blood. The blood of the innocent. I couldn't except this trade, I had

no heart to kill a random innocent stranger. No, but for years I've been gathering information on the

ones that have hurt me the most, there is just one problem. They have all sinned, whether big or

small. I must cleanse them, sanctify them. When they look into my eyes, I want them to except God,

and in there last moment of hope, it will be diminished and their freshly innocent blood will be

spilled. God has left me, but I still prey that one day I can stop this. But I have to remain obedient,

heaven or hell wouldn't want me, I will be sent to the darkest void in time.

SanctifiedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon