New Students

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Estonia's P.O.V

I was wiping the counter top with a table cloth. Finally the day is ending and the shift. Today was a very busy day at the restaurant. I was almost finished and then I could finally go home and sleep in my own comfy bed. When I finished I left the tablecloth on the counter. I took my apron off and put it on the counter. I put one of the straps of my backpack over my shoulder and then I grabbed the keys from my pocket and  headed outside. I locked the restaurant's doors and stuffed the keys in my trouser's pocket and started walking home.

Stars shone brightly almost like the moon's light in the night sky The roads were quiet and barely any cars can be heard driving. Light was casted by the lamp posts besides the pavements. I walked with my head straight down, looking at the pavement and at my own feet.

Moments later I reached my house. I took my keys out and unlocked the door. I headed in and locked the door again. I was greeted by my younger sister, Latvia. "Estonia you're back!" she cheered. "Heh yea, just finished my shift. Was a very busy day today." I replied.

"There's some dinner left over for you!" she cheered. I thanked her and said she should go to bed. I went to my room and took off my backpack and just threw it on the floor. I quickly changed into my pajamas and went to eat the left over dinner real quick. I then headed back to my room and I went to bed. Darkness soon took over as I drove off to sleep.


The alarm clock made alarming noises. I awoke from my slumber. It was morning. I groaned as I sat up and smacked the alarm's button so that it can shut up. I got out my bed and made it. I got dressed into my school uniform and then headed for the dining room. I could smell the scent of freshly cooked bacon. I took a sit at the dining table. "Good Morning sister" I said to my sister. She greeted back with "Good Morning." 

Lithuania came into the room with plates that had bacon on them. He placed the plates on the table. "Good morning Eesti." he greeted. "Good Morning bro" I thanked him for the food and started eating my food. Mhmm.. crunchy bacon. Delicious. "Hey, I have a day off work today. So I'll be driving you two to school today." "Okie big brother!" Latvia exclaimed. I just nodded.

After I finished my breakfast I went to put my plate in the kitchen sink. Lithuania soon followed. "I'll be in the car" Lithuania said before walking out the kitchen. I realized I didn't have my backpack and quickly rushed to my room to get my backpack.

Soon I came outside. The sun was shining brightly. There were barely any clouds in the blue sky. I got into the car, strapping my seat belt over my shoulder to place it in the holder thing. The car started to slowly move as Lithuania started to drove the car.


We arrived at school. Me and sis got out of the car and greeted our brother goodbye. We headed inside of the school. It was still a bit early.. I went over to my locker to fetch some books. "Estonia! Hey!" I heard someone call behind me. I closed my locker door and turned around. It was one of my friends, Kazakhstan. "Hey Kazakhstan! How are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm doing well! Guess what!" she said.

"You harvested plants and succeeded?" I asked.

"Nooo silly. My throat got better. Good as new!"

"That's gr-" I got cut of from the bell ringing. 

"Excuse me I have to get to my classes." "Me too" Me and Kazakhstan both parted our ways to our own classes.

When I reached my class, I opened the door and sat down at my desk. I took my backpack off and took out a book and my pencil case. I set my backpack under my desk. I took out a grey pencil out of my pencil case, opened my book and started doodling.

Suddenly the door opened. The teacher came in and stood near their desk. "Good morning students. Today we have some new students that transferred to our school. Please be nice and welcoming to them." the teacher said, emphasizing the "nice and welcoming". There were some countries here that was big meanies. The teacher looked over at the door and said, "You may come in."

The door opened and a tall country came in along with another country that and a much shorter country. "Hei" the taller country said in a cold, stern voice.


Word Count: 787

Heh, I totally did not try to end it on a cliffhanger. This chapter is short.. not even a thousand words. The next one will be longer then this one. I promise. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

Lithuania(Male) is the oldest, Estonia(Male) the second oldest and Latvia(Female) is the youngest.

I wonder who the new countries are..

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