"Soomi, is that you?"

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"Are you ready to place an order?" I ask the two countries that are sitting at the table. "Yes! I'd like to order two hamburgers and one large strawberry milkshake!" they exclaimed. Two hamburgers.. one large strawberry milkshake.. "Got it! What about you?"" I ask averting my attention towards the other country. "Tacos please" and some tacos I thought to myself as I wrote the order down. "Coming up!" I headed over to the kitchen while I tore the piece of paper where the order is written on off of the notebook. I placed it on a table and pressed a bell to notify the chefs there's another order, I headed out the kitchen towards the counter.

"Today's very quiet for a Saturday, aye?" I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around to see Italy. "You're right." I said. leaning a bit backwards with my hands on the counter. "How are you things at home?" Italy asked head leaning a bit to the side. "Alright I gues-" I was about you finish until I heard the door's bell ring as the door opened. "Oh customers, I'll be right back." I turned my attention at the customers that just came in to see it was Sweden and his brothers.. and him.

I grabbed three menus, one being a kid menu because honestly one of them looks younger and I'm assuming they are. I walk over towards the table. "Hello there! Welcome!"

"Estonia? You work here?" Sweden asked a surprise look on his face. I set the menus down on the table for them before answering, "Yes, I work here." 

"Here are the menus, take your time going through them and then place your order." I said gesturing to the menus before heading back to the counter. I let my eyes fall on the tall one, Finland. Since he's here I can, when I get the chance, ask him if it's really him and not just someone else with the flag. "Table Four Food's ready!" I heard someone call. Time to give Table four their food.


3rd P.O.V


Estonia went to the kitchen collecting table four's food and taking the food to that table. The three brothers were busy talking in a conversation. 

"How about we try these hamburgers Finland?" 

"No thanks. I'll just order coffee thank you very much." The Finn answered with a sarcastic tone.

"Suit yourself, what about you?" Sweden peeked over the menu looking at Aland. 

"I think I'll have a chocolate milkshake and these." He answered, turning his menu over and pointing at words forming the sentence, "Chicken Nuggets and Pasta"

"Does nuggets and pasta even go together?" Sweden said giving out a small chuckle, "Let's order?"

A few minutes when their order has been written down and they got their food  AnD aTe It(Not in the mood to write those extra sentences ;w;)

"Hey Italy, can you excuse me for a few minutes? I need to do something" Estonia told Italy. Italy gave a nod saying, "Alright but only a few minutes then you come back. No skipping okay?" "Okay, thanks" Estonia quickly took off his apron and headed out, catching up with the brothers. "Hey wait!" 

They came to a stop turning to see the Estonian, "Estonia something the matter?" 

"No no, uh.. I want to speak to that guy alone." Estonia pointed out at the Finn who was just watching the conversation. "If you're gonna fight about bumpi-" Sweden was cut of by the Estonian. "No it's not that. Can you uh.. come with me" Estonia asked, nervously. 

"Fine," Finland said glancing towards his two brothers, "I'll catch up." he said. "Alrighty then, see ya around." Sweden said, waving before he motioned to Aland that they should go. 


Estonia let out a sigh, preparing himself. "So just might seem a random question falling out of nowhere but.. Soomi, is that you?" 

The Finn looked at the Estonian, he was a bit confused. "What..?"

"I said.. Soomi is that you?" 


"Don't you remember me? It's me Estonia or how you used to call me, Est."

"Th-there's no way. You don't look like him!" the Finn's expression was shocked but surprise also mixed.

"Ever since my independence from Soviet my flag got changed to what it is now. Your's haven't changed much from the last time I saw you.. however you were more energetic back then as to what you're now." Estonia said.

Silence fell over the two. 

"We have a lot of things to catch up and explain.. don't we?"


Word Count: 748

Mission "Realize whom they were" check! Next mission "Falling In Love!" 

Well now that I finally (Chapter 8) got em to recognize each other now I have to plan the falling in love. Which may take another few chapters :')


Fun Fact! :

The restaurant where Estonia is working is actually Italy's Father's Restaurant, The Italian Empire! Insane right? Since the past war countries are still alive he is. 

Fact #2:

The restaurant has a mixture of American, Mexican, Italian and French food. Italy specializes in making the Italian food such as pizzas and that, sometimes he fills in for waitering 


Waitering is like uh what waiters do. I hope I used the word right.

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