Familiar Face

411 15 13

(Time Skip to after school)

I sat on the bench outside of the school area. My brother Lithuania will be picking me up soon and give me a lift to home and then to work. Latvia wasn't here since she wanted to walk back home instead of getting a lift to home. I was scrolling through posts on my phone. I was to focused on my phone that I didn't hear my name being called out until I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.

I looked away from my phone, looking above my shoulder to see Sweden. I quickly switched my phone off and put it in my pocket. "Hey Sweden." I said, smiling a bit. I got up from the bench. "Where's L-" Sweden was about to say before getting cut off, "Bror! Låt oss- Oh uh.. hello.." a small country came out. He got kind of behind Sweden's leg, feeling ashamed.

Sweden then made an Ahem sound. "Estonia, this is my brother, Åland. Åland this is my friend, Estonia." the Swede said gesturing to Estonia to him then to him to Estonia. "H-Hi.." he murmured out. "He's shy to strangers but eventually as you get to know each other, he'll warm up to you." I nodded in approval.

"Hej bror, kan vi åka hem och spela Minecraft?" Åland asked with excitement in his voice. "Visst, vänta bara lite, okej?" the Swede said. I can't really understand what they're saying.

"Sweden there you are. I've be- You again"

Both of our eyes landed on each other. Opposite side from me stood a tall country with a white flag, striped with a dark blue cross across his face. He wore a blue hoodie with a fur hood and a type of winter hat with a pom-pom on the back. It was the country I bumped into at school earlier. "What's he doing here?" the taller country said with disgust in his voice. "Oh Finland, this is my friend, Estonia."

"Certainly not mine." the Finnish said, crossing his arms.

I can't help but get an awful feeling that his flag looked familiar.. and the name.. have we met before?

It's probably just my brain playing tricks on me. I shook my head. I noticed him staring coldly at me so I returned the favor and glared at him. "Perhaps you should watch where you're going next time?" He said.

"Clearly you should watch where you're going."

Soon this turned into a small argument. I didn't hear the sounds of tires screeching, indicating a car pulling up nearby.

"What's going on here?" Lithuania asked, watching the argument for a few seconds before deciding to put a stop to it.

"You Two.." I heard a voice said coldly but stern. Both me and Finland look up to see Lithuania. I instantly felt like I shrunk down to the size of an ant. "Now what to do with you two..." I felt my spine turn cold.


"Oww.." I mumbled out, running my cheek. It stung. "Perhaps that'll teach you two a lesson." Lithuania said dusting his hands off and then crossing his arms. "I'll get you arrested for assault, idiot." Finland hissed out. Lithuania glanced over at the Fin before slowly walking over to him. Finland flinched a bit but kept his pose. Lithuania, an inch away from Finland's face, "Is that so...? Who exactly are you?" he asked, coldly. Finland pouted, "Suomi.. or Finland in English." the Fin crossed his arms.

Suomi...? Why does it sound so familiar.. why does he look familiar?


(Timeskip to when they arrived home)

I got out of the car, heading for the front door of our house. I went in and straight to my room. Changing from my school uniform to my waiter outfit. I plopped down onto the bed and that's when that guy popped up in my head again. You know.. I recognize his flag.. the word Suomi sounds like I've heard it before.. at this point I was overworking my brain in thoughts.. 

Have we met before?


Word Count: 661

Thinking on making the next chapter a kind of flashback chapter almost. 

Translations were done using Google Translator. Apologies for inaccurate translations.

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