"Save Meeee"

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A few weeks later...

Estonia and Finland were talking to each almost every day, via phone or in person or via texts. They'd call each other every now and then but they mostly saw each other at school. Lithuania and Finland has developed a frenemy-rivalry friendship. They might not realize it, slowly but surely Estonia and Finland started developing feelings for one-another. 

If Finland dares to mess something up with Estonia or Latvia, he'll most likely be in trouble, and Lithuania isn't one that has mercy.

However today... is the news, that Finland was not expecting to hear. Finland opened the door to his house, only to get greeted by his mother. "Welcome back home son!"

"Hey," the Finn stepped in as his mother closed the door before following him. "I have some news and I'm sure you'll be splendid to hear it!" she exclaimed happily.

"What is it?" Finn asked, his attention on his mother.

"Remember your aunt that visited you a few years ago with one of your cousins?"


"Well, we invited her to come stay here for a few days,"

"Oh, well that's great.. I guess" he mumbled the last part, "But!" she continued. There's more? The Finn thought. "Not only your aunt will visit us.. but practically almost the whole family on the Swedish side! Along with older cousins! You'll be helping babysitting them, doesn't that sound fun?"

The whole family... on the Swedish side..? Plus more cousins..? No, no, no, no, no. The Finn thought. He was shocked and he wasn't prepared for this one bit. So he's gonna have to put up with who knows how many babbling Swedish kids?? 3/5 of those living in this house is Swedish and 2/5 is Finnish. He doesn't even speak or know any Swedish.

He snapped back into reality when he heard his name being said out loud, "Honey are you okay?"

"Yea.. that's great mom.. I'm going up to my room.. bye!" Finn fast-walked to his room. 

Wait... how long were they staying for? It seems like torture is coming for me. What did I do to deserve this?  -  The Finnish boy thought to himself.


Honestly, Finland's family was a rather large family. How about we go into a confusing family tree? No escaping from this one! Get ready to learn your math! (Please do note this isn't accurate to anything historical or something. Logic :') )

There's Finland's father's family which is obviously the Finnish Family. His mother is from the Swedish family. Now the Swedish family is a rather big family, the ones that'll be visiting are likely under the age of Finland, even younger then Aland. (Yikes!)

Then there's cousins that are related to either side of the family. There's another family where two of the cousins are twins related to each other but lives separately due to their parents' divorce. The one side is related to the Swedish family, the other is related to the Finnish family. There's also a younger cousin/brother that has been adopted by Iceland's family.

Confusing right? Going to get even more confusing soon! O-O


Word Count: 521

I have absolute no idea what I just tried to explain...

Here's a short chapter following the Easter Chapter.

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