-Waterfell- (Part 2)

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The heart monitor made beeping sounds. There in the hospital bed, laid the unconscious Finnish boy.

The door was slowly opened. A small country poked their head out and then walked in. Following was another in a doctor uniform and a male in a military uniform, Finland and Sweden's father.

The small country made a whining noise at the sight of his brother. The father looked at the doctor, "Någon idé när han kommer att vakna?"

The doctor was skimming through the papers clipped to the clipboard, before he finally replied. "Snart."

Sweden and Finland's Father's P.O.V

I bit my bottom lip. How did this happen in the first place, and why was he hanging out with that boy of USSR? He knows he shouldn't interact with anyone that has interactions or are allies with the USSR.
Wait.. what if this whole thing was a setup? What if this was a plan to kill my child?

I'll be confronting USSR about that. No one messes with my family.

I snapped out of my thoughts when someone said my name, "Far, kommer storebror att vara?" The young Swedish boy asked worryingly

"Han kommer att vara, oroa dig inte." I soothed.
"Father.. I can explain."

"Oh, can you?" The Estonian was about to speak but got cut off, "I thought I made it clear who you should not interact with!" He raised his voice mid-sentence.

Silence took over the room. The Estonian couldn't help but stare at the ground, feeling guilty. After a few minutes of silence the Estonian could only, softly say, "Sorry..."

"Sorry? SORRY!?" "I don't want you to go near that family again."


"No buts." The USSR turned around and headed out of the room but just when he reached the door, with coldness and fury in his eyes, he looked at the Estonian. "You're grounded until further notice. Don't even think of sneaking out." Then he left.

The Estonian plopped down on his bed, sniffing. 'Why does there have to be a feud between the two families?' He thought.
Finland's P.O.V

Ngg.. I slowly opened my eyes but closed them again because if bright lighting. I slowly opened them again, vision a bit fuzzy, my eyes started adjusting to the light.

I looked around to see white walls.. white white, wait.. I'm in a hospital room! I slowly sat up, trying to remember what happened. Oh yea.. Esti.. WAIT. Is Esti okay?!

I tried to get off the bed but before I could even do that I winced from pain in my left side.

The door suddenly opened as a nurse stepped inside. "Ah, you're awake." She said, smiling.

"Where's Est- is he okay??"

"You were the only one that was brought here injured."

If she's not here then he should be okay.. right??
Finland and Sweden's Father's P.O.V

I hesitate a bit, before knocking on the door. Am I making the right decision? For the sake of my children yes. The door opens, revealing a man in a green uniform, wearing a green hat known as an ushanka.

"What are you doing here?" The Soviet spoke, coldness in his voice and anger in his eyes. "Listen here Soviet, why was your child near my Suomi?"

"I can ask the same thing to you!" He spat. "I swear, if this was an attempt to kill him, you'll be sorry." I hissed, sending a cold glare to the Soviet before turning away.
Word Count: 576

M h m, I thought I had more ideas for this chapter but I didn't. Yet again Google Translator has been used to translate. This was basically uh, the last time they saw each other.

Finland and Sweden's Father is a Finnish and the mother is a Swedish. I didn't do research on who could be suitable as parents for the two soo.. let's stick to Father and Mother.

Do you guys think if I should still put the Word Counts for every chapter? I'm starting to question if I still want to put 'em or not.

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