Small Talk

442 15 23

Uh.. swear warning?


3rd P.O.V

The taller country then introduced them self, "Name's Finland.." His voice sounded somewhat cold. He wore some sort of hat and they wore a blue winter jacket with a fur hood. His flag was white with a blue cross. Finland looked at the other two countries beside him and then gestured, "These are.. my brothers. Sweden and Åland.." One of the countries wore a green-yellow hoodie. Half of it being Green and the other half yellow. Their flag was a midnight blue-teal with a tangerine yellow cross. He gave out a wave before softly elbowing the shorter country beside him. "Uhh.." the country started. "H-Hello" the shorter country's flag was that color of Sweden's but had a red cross in the yellow part. The small country hid behind the Swede feeling shy.

The teacher gestured them to sit down. "Right.. let's start with class, now shall we?" the teacher sat down at their desk. Estonia put his sketchbook back into his backpack and took out another book and his notebook.

"A builder builds a fence around the gardener's rectangular garden of 8m(2). If the length.."


Estonia's P.O.V

The bell rang. I stuffed my books into my backpack and pulled the straps over my shoulder and then I fast-walked out of the room. Carefully trying to not bump into anyone else that was rushing out of the classroom. I headed for the lunchroom until one of my friends caught up with me.

"Hey Estonia!" They cheered out.

"Hey Kazakhstan"

"Say will you be busy today?" she asked. Her golden wings evenly spaced from each other but close enough to her back.

"Restaurant shift."

"Is there ever a day you don't have a shift at the restaurant?"

"Jah but today's not a vacation day."

"Hmm.." I noticed the Kazakh seemed to be pondering on a thought. I stopped walking and looked over at her, "Something wrong?"

"No, no. It's that just there's new students and I feel eager to make friends with them. I haven't met them yet though. But more friends to make!" she cheered out.

"You basically want to befriend the whole school"


I gave out a small chuckle. "Nothing." I started making my way to the lunchroom again. When we got there there were some people in the lunchroom but not a lot. We sat down at the table where my sister sat. "Hey brother!" The Latvian cheered out, "Hey."

I took my backpack off my shoulder and took out my sketchbook. I swiped through some of the pages and then turned the book around to show Kazakhstan and my sister. "Look what I drew."

"Awww! It's a birdie! Like me!" the Kazakh squealed. "Uh yea but you're not a bird though-" "Hush!"

It was a drawing of a dove and a little dove.

"Uh.. hello." I heard a voice say behind me. I glance over my shoulder to see a country with a midnight blue-teal flag with a tangerine yellow cross. "Hey, you're one of the new guys!"

"Yea.. mind if I sit with you guys?"

"Sure! Take a sit!" the Kazakh said, obviously excited she'll soon make a new friend.

"So.. what's your name?" The Swede asked, "I'm Sweden."

I put my sketchbook back in my backpack while saying, "I'm Estonia. Nice to meet you Sweden" I looked up from the table towards my sister. Gesturing my hand to her, "This is my sister Latvia," then i moved my hand to point to Kazakhstan. "and this is my friend Kazakhstan"

"Eee! So nice to meet you!" The Kazakh squealed out. Kasahstan saab siin põnevust, I stared at her.


The bell rang, lunchtime was over. I said goodbye to Latvia, Sweden and Kazakhstan. I grabbed my backpack. When I was out of the lunchroom I started to fast-walked. I was focused on getting to the class before that I didn't noticed the other country heading towards me until we both slammed into each other

"Oww., hey!" I slowly got up into a sitting-lying position, rubbing my head in pain. I looked over at the country.

"Pahus." the other country murmured. Before both of our gazes met with each other. "Aye watch where you're walking next time." "Sorry.. but wait.. weren't you running?" "Uh no, I was speed-walking." they said in a mocking voice "- I have to go now. Bye!"

The other country got up and soon was out of sight's view. I struggle to my feet trying to get up. I feel a slight pain from the slamming into another country. I headed to the classroom.

This day just gone from better to worse.


Word count: 747

This chapter isn't longer as the other one ;-; I apologize for that.

My writing with p.o.v's aren't good so uh.. I have to improve on that. I might start making Chapter Covers. Which means every time I post a chapter part it'll have a picture in the 'media' section that I drew for the chapter- Well peace.

Google Translator was used in this so apologies if translations are incorrect. I also searched up a math question to help with the small math part being mentioned.

Childhood Friend (Countryhumans|Finstonia)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt