Darlings bakery

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The day moved slow, customer's came in and out, cakes baked and set out on display, same as yesterday.

The bakery was empty for now, I sat on the small stool behind the counter and my mind began to wander.

Thinking about the man from Chicago I had met 2 years ago. What was his name again? Doesn't matter, god the way he touched me,

I rested my head on the counter and day dream about him.

He pushed me to his bed, pulling off his tie from his dress shirt, he tied my hands together. His hands guided down my body, his perfect smile.. His smile..

What did he look like again?, doesn't matter

He kissed my stomach and moved lower,

"Excuse me!" A man said making me jump to my feet

"Yes how may I help you!" I accidentally yelled

Looking around the room there was 8 people in black suits like men in black or something, one man stood at the counter while the others stood in various places in my bakery, "do you know anything about the power outage that happed a few nights ago?"

I shook my head "nope, i was just... At my house... Uhhh in my livingroom watching tv and it just went out!" I said putting my hands on the counter.

The man arched his eyebrow and staired into my eyes, my breathing hitched and I felt my chest tighten. "Stone, card!" He said loudly causing me to jump.

A young man in a suit that was staning behind him handed him a small business card. The man handes it to me, "if you see anything or know anything about it, give me a call"

He began to walk out but stopped and turned "and if I find out you're lieing, I'll make it as though you've never even existed" he turnes on his heel and left with all the people in black coats behind him.

I looked down at the card

Dr Ivo Robotnik

Rolling my eyes I shoved the card in my pants pocket.

A few days had gone by, Dr Robotnik stopped in a few times and we talked here and there but never enough to really know eachother. He especially liked my dark cherry cupcakes.

I boxed up a dark cherry cupcake and handed it to the last customer of the day. "Have a good day" I smiled closeing the door behind them and I switched open sign to close and went back behind the counter.

I began locking up the register and gabbed my purse, throwing on my (jacket/hoodie/sweater) I made my way to the door.

I stepped out into the dark street and locked the door. I turned down the sidewalk but was met with Dr Robotnik standing rather close

"Oh goodness" I jumped, I pushed him gently "you nearly put me in the grave! why are you here?"

He smiled "thought a lady would liked to be walked home... Also I may have wanted a cherry cupcake" he looked at the ground, I smiled rolling my eyes and unlocked the door.

I quickly boxed up the last dark cherry cupcake and handed it to him then re-locked the door.

"That ones on me" I said grabbing my bike from the ally way next to the shop.

"You ride your bike to work? Do you not have a car?" He questioned. I laughed and shook my head "no i have a car, its just a 15 minute bike ride from my house so I don't wanna waste gas"

There was silence, it ws to late for cars to be out so the street felt like a ghost town. I felt a little awkward so I spoke up "I... you wanna ride with me?"

"What?" He looked up from the small cake box.

"Do you wanna ride on my bike.. with me.. Back to my house.. You said you wanted to walk me home" I gave a pleasant smile and blinked my big bambi eyes.

He looked a little stunned but nodded. I nodded back.

"Oh I can put your cupcake in my basket" I reached my hand out for it. He looked confused, like a teenage who had just had there first kiss. He handes me the box and I put it the basket along with my purse.

I got on the bike but left the seat open for him. "Ok hop on" I looked back at him

He gave a weak smile and sat on the bike seat "you're gonna have to hold on to me ok?"

He didn't say anything, just wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and began peddling.

As we rode through the streets and into the country just 5 minuets out of town I felt him press his head to my back as I rode. The hot summer air mixed with the smell of rain made me feel alive, and feeling Ivo around my waist made me feel something else.

I turned down my long driveway where the moon didn't hit becayse the tree umbrellaed it, I rode in the dark as I do nearly everyday.

After what felt like forever we made it to my front yard, my house glowed in the moon light, the rose bush that climbed over the the arch way blew in the night breeze. I smiles at my small house as I stopped my bike.

Ivo stepped off and grabbed his cupcake from the basket, I parked my bike and grabbed my purse. I lead him to my door, I quickly unlocked it and pushes the door open letting him walk in first.

"You have a lovely house" he said wiping his shoes off on the mat. I smiled and hung my purse up "oh.. Thank you.. Would you like some tea?"

He nodded, still standing by the door "you can sit" I said grabbing the tea pot "make yourself at home"

I began brewing the tea and turned on the stove to let it get hot. I walked over and sat next to him on the couch,

"So" he began "wheres your tv" his words echoed in my head "what?" I asked sounding confused

"A few days ago, you said you were watching tv in your living room when the power went out... Wheres your tv"
His eyebrow was now arched.

I bit my lip "Oh yeah... My tv.. Haha" I felt my throat tighten, god I can't tell him what I was really doing! He'd tell everyone. "I..." The tea kettle screamed "Oh tea is done" I got up from the couch quickly only to have him grab my wrist. He stood from the couch, towering over me.

"What were you really doing?" I felt my knees buckle, "let me go" I tried pushing off his hand.

"Tell me!" He demanded

"I was at a sex club OK!" I shouted back, tears priked the corners of my eyes

He look shocked, I sighed and pulled my arm away "every time I have 3 days off I drive 5 towns away and go to a sex club! Cause I like sex! I like to fuck!" My lip quivered

The room was tense "I think you should go" I said turning away from him and walking over to the stove to take the tea off the burner.

Ivo bit his lip and nodded. "Yes.."

"Yes.. I'm sorry" I heard the door open and then close.

God hes gonna tell everyone..

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