a rainy lunch..er dinner

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I opened my eyes, dim sunlight came through my thin curtains. The sound of rain poudned against my tin roof.

I sat up looking around my small room. I looked at the clock, 12:39 pm.

Sighing I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat stairing out the window, the rain came down in heavy sheets. I pulled my tired body out of bed, and wandered into the kitchen.

I yawned and opend my door to look out the screen but was met with Agent Stone walking up to my door

"Oh Agent stone, what are you doing here?" I looked down at my ataire and pulled my shirt down slightly "if I knew you were coming I would have gotten dressed"

He smiled closing his umbrella "I was sent here by Dr Robotnik to pick you up for dinner"

I cocked my head back "he wants to have dinner with me? Why?"

Agent stone smile "he said he would like to apologize for a fight you had last night?" He looked down at his watch "would you like to attend because I can call him and-"

"No no let me get dressed, it will only be a few minutes.. Please come in" I pushed the door open and allowed him in. "You can sit I'll be just a bit"

Aganet stone sat on my couch as I walked back into my room.

I streched and opend my closet looking for a bit I found a light yellow dress with (f/f) on it I put it on along with and soft bage cardigan.

I picked up my phone from the side talble and walked into the living room to grab my purse.

Agent stone stood from the couch as I put my shoes on. "Ok I'm ready"


The ride to.. Wait where am I going "where are we going?" I asked agent Stone who was sitting in the front seat

He glanced back at me "Dr Robotnik wanted to see you at his personal estate, its 3 hours away"

I slouched in my seat, damn 3 hours..


After a longer than normal 3 hour car ride we finally arived at 4:39. We pulled up to the gates of his house- well mansion I should say, the woman driving leaned out the window and punched some numbers into the code lock.

The gates opened slowly and we drove inside, the house was large, black sleek futuristic looking, I bit my lit nervously.

We pulled up by the stairs, at the top Ivo stood, he wore a black coat and black dress shirt and pants underneath but with red sunglasses
He stood next to a man dressed in a suit who was holding an umbrella above him.

When the car stopped agent stone stepped out with an umbrella and helped me out.

"(Y/n)" Ivo started "good to see you" I smiled nervously as I walked closer him. He pulled me into a hug making his guards(if you could call then that) look a little surprised.

"Lets get out of this rain" he said pulling me by the hand into his house.

As we walked in I was guided to a small porch upstairs, 3 glass windows coverd the small room, in the middle a table set up for 2, a bouquet of (f/c) flowers sat in one of the seat. Ivo picked up the flowers, he turned and smiled handing them to me.

"I got these for you.." He said as he pulled out my chair. I've always had men pull out my chair and give me flowers but this time felt differnt. I felt sick, but in a good way, like when you're excited for a concert or meeting your favorite clebrity, I felt like I was going to puke up butterflies and candy.

I took my seat and he sat on the other side of the table. "You look lovely" he smiled

God why did I feel this way? what is happening? "Thank you" I said looking at him then back to the flowers.

"So about last night" he started and a young woman pushed a silver cart in.

She set the plates of (f/f) in front of us. How'd he know I likes this.. what is going on.

"I'm really sorry.." He said reaching his hand across the table and placing it on my hand. I blushed, the sick rose in my throat and tighend itself around my vocal cords.

"I didn't mean to grab you like that and make you feel uncomfortable. It was really unfair of me" as he spoke I began to drift. The sound of rain pounded in my ears as I watched his mouth move. My, my,  was he handsome.. But he did bruse my wrist yesterday, I bet if he wanted to he could hurt me really bad. I bet.. I..

he... I want him to fuck me.. Thats what I want, I want him to push me to the bed while I take his big-

"(Y/n).. are you ok?" He asked snapping me out of thought.

"Yeah.." I said rubbing the back of my neck "Yeah I'm all good, I forgive you" I smiled.

After lunch he showed me around his house, 10 rooms, 4 bathrooms, 3 living rooms, 1 and half dining rooms, a pool, a small gym and a tennis court.

After the small (not really) tour it was about 6:30 give or take.

As we sat on the couch I looked over at Ivo "can I stay the night" I asked making him freeze

"What, why?" He asked turning towards me.

I shrugged "I dont wanna sit through the 3 hour drive back"

He nodded "Oh.. Sure.. I'll program one of the drones to fly back and get some of your things"

He touched a spot on his gloved hand and a blue holographic screen popped up. He began typing but then stopped to look at me "what did you want them to bring?"

I made and awkward face "ehh.. My (f/c) pj (shorts/pants)," he started to type as I talked. "My grey t-shirt, vanilla lotion," I listed off the things I wanted and even told about my floral backpack hanging behind the door to put all of this in.

He hit submit and the screen disappeared "ok it will be here in 20 minuets, in the mean time I'll show you to your room."

Ivo pulled me to my feet and lead me up to the 3nd floor. We walked a few doors down before he found a door "ah here we go"

He opened the door and the room didn't look like the rest of the house, insted of dark, sleek, futuristic, black and leather. this room was white, with thin white curtains that had a redish pink fade to them. They faced the sun that was already setting through the rain clouds.

The bed was large, larger than my bed at home, the blankets were a soft lavender and the pillow were the same shade. "Who's room is this" I asked knowing this was most defiantly a girls room.

He rubbed his hands together "Oh this.. This was just the last room we haven't renovated yet so I thought you would like it better, its more your style" he wasn't wrong I was all for soft and frilly decore and this was it.

I went over and sat on the bed, I sank into the matress "very soft" I said "Thank you this is great" I smiled walking over to hug him. He wrapped his arms around me.

The hug lasted longer than before, i could hear his heart beating "well you do have a heart" I broke the silence and looked up at him.

He smiled laughing a bit from my little remark. I staired up at him as he looked back down at me,

I felt pulled, I leaned up to his face and pressed my lips against his, our lips moved passionately. This felt right, I felt home.

After the drawn out kiss he pulled away. I bit my lip, nervous of what to say next.

"I.. I'm gonna go to my room now" Ivo said pulling away from me and walking quickly down the hallway.

I raised my brow, was it that bad ?

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