isn't it love?

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A few days had gone by, a fitter came by my house yesterday and I told her my favorite style and colors, we decided to go with a large dusty pink colored ball gown. At first I was afraid of the ball gown idea, but then she told me its a very, very formal event! So everybody dresses like a king or queen. If I'm being honest, I'm excited, I love dressing up!

I breath out softly as an little old lady walked into my bakery "good afternoon Mrs.Nancy! The usual?" I side happily preparing a bag.

She smiled that cute old lady smile and nodded "yes, thank you, honey"

I always loved Mrs.Nancy because she just didnt care! She did her makeup like it was still the 20s and she would dress in pearls and diamonds with a big butterfly clip in her hair to match what shirt she was wearing that day.

I bagged her sweets and began to ring her up. "Soo" she started while taking money out of her purse "whos the lucky man?"

I guess I looked a little surprised because she laughed then said "oh dont be so wholesome! We have to crack sometime or another" she set the money on the counter "and besides I was a sex/couples therapist for 28 years, I can just tell when somethings changed"

I rubbed the back of my neck. In all honesty I wanted to gush about Ivo, hes the first guy I've felt who's really mine, instead of mine for the night.

Oh how I wanted to tell her everything "oh... Haha yeah i have been on a few dates with this guy I met a few weeks ago but he doesn't seem serious"

Her smile continued "Uh-huh" he took the bag of sweets "well if anything changes let me know!" We said walking out the door.

I put the money in the redgister and sat on the small stool behind the counter. I rested my head on my arm and closed my eyes. I felt so tired today.. Why?

Ding ding

The door chime went off and I stood immediately "good afternoon-" I said to an empty bakery

"Hm weird" I said to myself. For some reason I started to feel uneasy.

I looked up at the clock behind me, about 30 minutes til closing. I left from beind the counter and walked to the large windows, the sun was starting to set. A large, white oval shaped drone flew by. I'm maybe one of Amazons.

All of the sudden a loud bang of pots and pans came from the kitchen. I whipped aroud and ran back to the other side if the counter

'Be Careful' A voice in my head shouted.

I peeked into the kitchen to see a rack of cupcake trays had fallen over. I sighed and walked over to them. I began to pick up the trays when I heard a whisper.

A soon feeling of 'I am not alone' came over me. I shuttered til my eyes located a blue ball, twice the size of a basketball but still looking small.

I moved towards it slowly, it appeared to shiver, almost like it was scared.

"Hey there" I said in a soft voice, wile getting lower to the ground. "Its ok you don't have to be afraid" I said again.

A pair of eyes peeked up from inside the ball. Big green cartoons eye looked at me. Now that I was closer it was covered in sharp hair like spikes, like a porcupine or a hedgehog.

I looked in its eyes but averted my gaze to show the blue.. Animal? That I was showing them they were the dominate one and I was no harm.

It finally uncurled from its ball, I was shocked, they had shoes and gloves on! This was some human animal hybrid.

Lover Boy  A Dr Robotnik x readerWhere stories live. Discover now