Day 2

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You know what I hate? Zombies who roar. You ever played that WWZ game where the riot dudes charge you, Or left for dead with the tanks? Well I hit woken up by a roar then people yelling. I wake up and run outside and there is a guy wearing a tattered military uniform and looks like he took steroids. He runs and bonks a kid into a guardrail.we all grab guns and start trying to take him out. I grabbed the sniper and fired a round into his kneecap. It stumbled but didn't fall. Now fun fact: Zombies get pissed off when knee capped. Who would have thought? So yeah, I dive out of the way of a tank while some kids run for the FBI car. Mind you I am shooting him and then diving so my account is a bit scuffed. But as we all shoot I hear a kid yell "FUCK!" in the loudest tone possible. The 50 cal didn't work because it was set up by 13 year olds!

I dive out of the way of the tank and shoot it again before reloading. Everyone is trying to not die. I am getting tired and I hear yes in from the SUV and then a burst of gunfire. Then a stream, these guys got the MG working finally and cut the sap down to a paste. 5 minutes well spent.

So as we pack up a kid yells about zombies. So remember how noise attracts zombies? A Browning M2 does that as well. So now we have a horde blocking one direction on the highway. We get in the cars and drive down the highway passing wrecks and a rolled armored car saying CDC? I look from the gunner seat and it is a Bearcat that was in a convoy. It has military trucks around it and there are bullet holes everywhere. I looked away from it after hearing a crunch then seeing a red paste below us.

After going away from the horde we dabbled back towards Downtown Manhattan. As we approach the evac site we hear an engine. Like a plane engine. Above is an AC-130 with USAF on the side. It clipped a building and soared to the freedom tower. The wing clipped and was disconnected from the plane, the building had a plume of smoke go out the side and debris fell down. The plane then impacted the ground taking out more towers. We looked up and saw smoke pouring out of the building with flaming rubble falling out of it. We hear the sound of steel twisting from where we are. The wing hit in a way that load bearing beams were taken out and the tower began to lean. It continued leaning and a helicopter flew away. The tower collapsed and smoke rose up.

We decided to find the plane and find loot and survivors. After reaching it we saw seats and dead bodies. We exited the vehicles, grabbed extinguishers and O2 tanks and walked in. We passed a body that was burning and had metal impaling it. We passed more bodies and we found a guy missing his legs but still alive. And not zombie alive I mean actually living. The seat beside him was crumpled and launched forward. There was only a small shoe with a dismembered foot in its place. Blood was sprayed across the walls and the guy asked if we could help him. We said no but said we could ease the pain. We grab a first aid kit and administered morphine to him. He then asked for his bag. He than asked us to grab his bible and hand it to him. This was where I left because I kept looking at a kids show with his foot still inside. I also saw a small finger so I left. I went up passing corpses until i found the tail of the plane. The bathroom door was blocked and I heard yelling from inside. I call over some others and we push it open to find a guy laying on the ground crying. He isn't hurt badly and stood up. He asked if we saw his girlfriend. He pushes past us and runs to the front of the plane and finds where the fuselage split in half. He looks to see the other part burning and embedded in a building. The top crumpled down crushing anything inside.

We ask if he wants to come with us but he said no, we give him a spare pistol we got off a dead civilian and some turnout gear from the back of the rescue truck. We part ways and continue around the city.

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