Night 2

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So after the plane crash sight I think so of us have PTSD. One girl hasn't stopped shaking. We are currently driving around Manhattan. It still is realativly early in the night, we can still se the glow from the sunset. Or is that fire? Don't know, don't care. The radio just started chirping 

So apparently there are some guys in Manhattan, they are heading  across the Brooklyn Bridge before heading across the river to Staten Island. We took a vote and decided that going with cops and national guardsmen is a good idea in the apocalypse.

We also received word that in Nassau County some wall was made and everything was cut off. So the saved LI from this. There is supposedly a fleet off of Fire Island and LI. We are heading South to Brooklyn. We just passed the UN building. We plan on raiding the Bellevue Hospital for supplies. We picked up a map of the city and apparently the Plane crash occurred at Carnegie Hall. The NYS Corrections convoy was on the Harlem River Drive. Unfortunately we aren't on that  anymore because some pileup happened and a fuel truck leaked and long story short a semi caring tires has the entire highway burning.

After arriving at the hospital and activating the lights on the FDNY gear we are walking through the spookiest place ever. I played left for dead, I know how mercy hospital went! So we are walking around this creepy place and there is a coughing sound. 

There is this zombie that has no skin, massive tumors and has bones acting as spikes. Gore incarnate. One kid, in his infinite wisdom, shot it. You ever played a horror game where a hurling behemoth chases you in a tiny hallway? I'm looking at the evil within 2. It Is Fucking Terrifying!

I decide fuck it and fire my MP5 at this thing and the other kids do the same. We pour round after round into this thing as it runs at us. A random zombie was walking towards us and stabbo used it's arm to cut it in half! We all duck into rooms but it turns and goes to stab someone before LMG girl stops it with a small, 10 second burst of 7.62. It turns and takes rounds to the head before dropping. It died fast for something so scary. We look closer and it has a hospital bracelet on: Brenna Hunt. The tag said she had cancer and that explains the tumors.

We decide to head to the convoy heading to Brooklyn. After reaching them we head across. There is one problem, actually 2. First there is a massive fire burning the cables and the street. The second is a cargo ship hit the bridge. The bridge was burning and bending from that point. We had to cross because a horde was wandering to us. First went a humvee, then an ambulance, then a bearcat, then us and then the others in the convoy. As we passed the boat a cable snapped. It fell behind us and more did the same. The bridge swayed and then it buckled. The truck behind us fell into the river and the bridge continued to fall. The humvee had a cable fall on it. We stopped the SUV and the soldiers got in. As we sped off the bridge with our vehicles plus and ambulance we were panicking.

We grabbed a small boat off of rescue 1 and launched it to find survivors. There was only a NYPD officer. We set up camp in Brooklyn for the night

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