Day 4

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We are just waking up to the bright sun through the smoke. There are no boats at this pier so we have to head to the next one. The smoke has me on edge, feels like there is more than normal. Anyways I tell everyone to load up into the trucks and we set off. The zombies seem to have been thinned out overnight. I mean an entire military attack force will do that! 

We drove through the streets and there was a thud. A gunshot was heard and on top of a unmarked crown Vic with CDC written on the plate was an agent. He wore a hazmat suit, a gas mask, a bulletproof vest and a helmet. He had an MP5 with surpressor and holo sight on his back and an M4 in his hands. He had a Glock 18 on his leg and he pointed his rifle at us. We step out, hands up and talk him down. He lowered his gun and after a negotiations he offered to show us a possible safe house in the area. He got into his car and we followed.

Yeah this isn't right, the air is heating up. Not because it is spring but because of something else. The smoke is getting thick and I realized that, and to quote GLaDOS, I'm a potato. The smoke, the heat, there is a massive fire nearby. We continue on at a more cautious pace because heat is hot.

So we just found the fire. The apartments are burning and the embers are everywhere. We had to turn on the windshield wipers to remove the soot. There are zero zombies but a lot of burning carcasses, those are probably the zombies. The Agent is still leading us down the street. He turns a corner and pulls up to a bank. There are barricades on the windows and lights shining onto the road. Our friend did not disappoint. 

We knocked on the door and waited. The survivors inside looked from the roof down and then opened the door. There were tons of survivors sitting down. Men, women, children, everyone. They sat on blankets and carpets. Some laid down or were being treated for injuries. There were people with guns. Some were soldiers, some were CDC, some were cops and most were random people who just had guns. We all talked with other people and traded supplies.

Our conversations were interrupted by metal bending and the sounds of bucks hitting ground. Smoke seeped in from the back. We grabbed our gear and went back with some others. We went through the bank with each room getting more smokey. We reached the rear and there was flames. The vault door was partially opened, just enough for the fire to spread into it. The building behind us had collapsed and now this settlement was burning. We scrambled to find extinguishers. We went in and tried to save the building.

The room kept getting hotter until finally the vault door broke. It fell and the heat exploded. Any skin not covered got burned and the gloves on a CDC agent fused to her hand. Her suit began to do the same as the heat continued to increase. David sprayed me down because my FDNY coat had begun burning. Dust had landed on me and my coat and helmet burned. After that we rushed for more gear. We found a fire hose attached to a wall. I grabbed it and David grabbed on as well. We dragged the hose over to the fire and sprayed.

We managed to get the fire out but the damage was done. We only got the vault out by sealing it and starving the blaze of air. We barricaded the entire area and did minor repairs to the walls. We went out to find supplies for defense.

We drove around the burning city in the FBI SUV. We stopped at a military checkpoint. The guns, ammo, fuel, food and water were gone but the barbed wire remained.there was rolls of it in a truck and one of our friends went over to Hotwire the truck. He finished and we began to head back when we were shot at.

There were more shots as the vehicles stopped. We were about to get down when we noticed the windshield stopped the rounds. David climbed into the gun and started firing back at the sons of bitches who tried to kill us. I stepped out and fired a burst from my MP5. I saw the bastard's hole and got below it. Then I used a present from the Humvee we raided a few days ago, a fragmentation grenade. I pulled the pin, pushed the metal thing and tossed it into the hole. I got down and a few seconds later was a bang and a limb flew out. The roof came down on them and there was no hope of looting them.

We got the supplies back to the bank and waited until dark. We sat around the roof talking tales of before and during the apocalypse. One of the soldiers did a tour in the Middle East and had a lot of interesting stories of his time there.

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