Meeting Karkles

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Your name is DAVE STRIDER and at the moment, you have turned off your alarm that is supposed to wake you up for school. You get up and walk to your closet and pick out your classic outfit, a white shirt with red sleeves, jeans, converse, and of course, your ironic shades. You get dressed and grab your backpack and head out of your bedroom to the kitchen. You grab some apple juice and a package of poptarts and head out the door. You stroll down the street eating your breakfast as you feel a tap on your shoulder to find your cousin, Rose, standing there.

"Hello Dave, how have you been?" she questioned.

"good, whats sup with you?" you respond.

"Pretty nice. I heard there is 12 transfer students from a place called Alternia." Rose responded. 

"12?" you question.

"Yeah, I've talked to one and she's really cute!" Rose said, blushing.

"who's caught your eye?~" you ask her, teasingly.

"H-hey! Her names Kanaya Maryam." she responded, dreamily.

"did she talk about anyone else?" you ask.

"Yeah, she told me about a guy named Karkat Vantas?" Rose said.

"well, I guess I'll meet him today," you say, arriving at school.

You depart from Rose with a simple goodbye and walk into your english class and sit down in your usual spot. The rest of the class trickles in and then the bell rings. You go to your locker and grab everything you need as you notice a few new looking people with grey skin walking in the halls. All of them have horns and a zodiac sign on their shirt.

"huh, probably the new transfer students" you think as you see a tall grey skinned girl talking to Rose, who was blushing.

"probably kanaya" you think, smirking.

You walk into the class to see a shorter grey skinned person sitting next to you with a black sweater, fluffy black hair, short nubby horns, red eyes, black jeans, and black converse. You sit down next to him and he glances at you for a moment then looks away.

"like what you see, huh?~" you ask the boy

"WATCH IT ASSHOLE" the boy says, blushing 

"so, whats your name?" you ask him

"WHY DO YOU NEED TO KNOW?" the boy snapped

"just wonderin'~" you say, winking

"KARKAT. KARKAT VANTAS" the boy said, glaring at you while blushing harder

"well, im dave. dave strider" you say to the short troll, smirking

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING SHADES INSIDE?" Karkat asks you, the blush not fading

"why not? theyre ironic as fuck, dude" you say, gesturing to the shades

The teacher walks in and addresses the students telling them that we have a new class member and introducing the short troll. Class starts and you decide to pass the boy to your left a note. 

"hey, karks, heres my number, (210-398-8268)"

The troll looks at you with a look saying, 'what the hell' and starts doodling in his notebook.

Class ends and it seems that you have your next class with Mr. Nubby.


Your name is KARKAT VANTAS and you have gotten off the bus. You head into the school and the bell rings once you enter the hall. People stare and even whisper about you. You flick them off and go to your locker and get out your items for your classes and head into your English class. You sit down and soon a tall, skinny boy with blonde hair, jeans, a white and red shirt, with converse and sunglasses on INSIDE, sits down next to you. You glance at him for a moment and then look away from him.

"like what you see huh?~" the blonde says to you

"WATCH IT ASSHOLE" you say as you feel your face burn up as you blush.

"so, whats your name?" he asks you.

"WHY DO YOU NEED TO KNOW?" you snap at the boy.

"just wonderin'~" he says, winking making you blush more.

"KARKAT. KARKAT VANTAS." you say, embarrassed.

"well, im dave. dave strider." the tall guy says with a smirk plastered on his face.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING SHADES INSIDE?" you ask, feeling that your face is still hot.

"why not? theyre ironic as fuck, dude" Dave says, gesturing to the shades.

The teacher walks in, finally (this dude is almost annoying as Sollux)and says that we have a new class member and introduces me. The lesson goes on and the idiot passes me a note, and for jegus sake, its his FUCKING PHONE NUMBER.

I stare at him with a 'what the hell' kind of look and go to doodle in your notebook. Class ends and, great, I have another fucking class with this bulge-muncher. So wonderful.


hi, uh first fanfiction and uh- 792 words excluding this A/N. With the A/N, its 809 words. 

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