The Party pt. 1

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A/N new writing style

He was in shock but didn't express it. It made his heart ache just to tell him and feel their lips- WAIT WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE THINKING?

He snuggled up to the blonde next to him and slowly drifted off into a kinda peaceful sleep.

~tiime2kiip brought to you by me, 2ollux~

His eyes opened to meet a pair of glasses staring at him. 

"mornin' karks" the other male said.

"SHUT THE HELL UP, ASSWIPE." Karkat said, rubbing his eyes.

Dave got up and headed downstairs to make breakfast as the other male got up and realized he wasn't at his own house. He just sat there and waited for Dave to say breakfast was ready.

Karkat went downstairs and saw Dave making pancakes. He grabbed a spatula and hit Dave with it.

"yo, what the hell are you doin' little man?" Dave asks.

"HITTING YOU, WHAT ELSE WOULD I BE DOING?" Karkat replied, hitting him again with it.

"oh its on" Dave said, grabbing his spatula and hitting the smaller male with it.

They hit each other and Karkat starting flinging batter. Soon the kitchen was a mess and there was a knock at the door. Karkat was laughing but stopped as soon as he heard the knock.

Dave answered and let the people in. It was Rose and Kanaya. 

"Hello Karkat. How Are You?" Kanaya asked the small troll.

"GOOD KANAYA. HOW ABOUT YOU?" Karkat asked and Dave noticed he was softer with this troll. She seemed like a mother figure to him.

"hello rose." Dave said to Rose, waving.

"Hello, Dave. This is Kanaya and she is a new friend" she said, blushing a small bit.

"rose meet karkat. karkat meet rose." Dave said, gesturing to Rose.

"HELLO." Karkat muttered.

"Well, We Have Come To Invite You To A Party. All Trolls Will Be There And So Will All Of Your Human Friends," Kanaya said.

"UH, SURE KANAYA. WHEN IS IT?" Karkat asked.

"Tonight At 6" she said, happily, "We'll See You There."

They left and  Dave continued with pancakes. They ate and Karkat went home. He ran home and opened and then shut the door. He put his back against it and slid down. He couldn't stop thinking about his beautiful Texan accent and how he looked. He couldn't believe a small pathetic troll could capture his heart. He felt his face heat up and he smiled to himself. He called Kanaya and asked what he could wear. She said the normal stuff. He decided to watch a rom-com. He watched 2 and when he finished, it was 5:00. 

"SHIT!" he yelled, getting up to get in the shower. 

He got in and washed. He got out and dried his body and hair. He wore a black, baggy turtleneck that had a grey cancer symbol on it with grey jeans and black slip ons. He brushed his hair and just made it floofier. Then, he heard a honk outside.

He went outside and saw Dave in his usual outfit, white shirt with red sleeves and broken record with jeans and black converse.

"get in dude, it's 5:50, it takes 10 minutes to get there." Dave said, watching Karkat walk towards the kar. (haha). 

He drove off and got to Jades house. She was always the fun type. Balloon pits, bunch of odd chap sticks, squiddles, etc. She had it all. We entered and Dave led him into Jades bedroom. After walking up a million stairs. He noticed 9 trolls he didn't recognize. They all wore zodiac signs. Karkat introduced Dave to them. 

There was Eridan and Feferi (he remembered Feferi from the coffee shop and Karkat warned not to be rude to them) then Gamzee, who definitely wasn't sober, a strong buff guy named Equius, then a lady who seemed like a bitch named Vriska, then a blind girl named Terezi, he reconized Kanaya, who had Rose giggling, there was a cat girl named Nepeta talking to Equius, then a guy who had on 3-D glasses named Sollux and he had a lii2p, then there was a girl named Aradia speaking to Vriska and then another guy in a wheel chair named Tavros.  

Sollux noticed Karkat and walked over, "what2 up, KK?"

"NOT MUCH. IS EVERYONE HERE?" the small male said to the tall skinny one.

"yeah, ii'll tell kanaya and then we can all get 2tarted wiith thiis party." Sollux said, heading to Kanaya. 

Kanaya told a girl with glasses something and the other girl started to speak, "hello!!! my name is jade and at this party, we will play something called the chapstick challenge. 8 groups of 2!!!"

"ii call ED!" Sollux said, walking to Eridan, who was bright purple.

"well, i call kitkat~" Dave said, grabbing Karkat, who just growled.

"okay!!! here's the groups!!! eridan and sollux, rose and kanaya, karkat and dave, john and vriska, aradia and equius, gamzee and tavros, terezi and nepeta, and then me and feferi!! how this works is one grabs a chapstick and applies it. they kiss the other and then they have to guess it. also, to make it easier, bottoms guess what flavor." Jade said, grabbing Feferi and grabbing a container of chapstick. 

She poured it on the floor and people began choosing them. Dave grabbed a chapstick and applied it. 

"ready vantas?" he asked.

"SURE, BUT I'M GOING TO WIN." Karkat said.

Dave kissed Karkat and he said, "cherry and an alternian fruit from the highbloods gardens, they serve them at special occasions everyone has to attend, like weddings and funerals for lusi and trolls."

a/n i don't ship those pairs except for 3 of them. and 920 words

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