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Jakes POV
Its been almost one month since I've been out here in LA and it's so great. Living on my own isn't really new just because my dad really wasn't home much but just knowing that I'm alone is kind weird. The weather here is amazing, everyday is always hot. The football team is really welcoming to all the new guys that have joined. I also have a new roommate, Noah. He's a good kid and cleans up after himself which is great, wow I sound like a dad.

N- Jake I'm headed out do you need anything
J- I'm good
N- K I'll see you later

See he's a great kid. Now let's talk about my trip home and about my beautiful girlfriend, Erika. Erika has surprisingly been good, I've only gotten 4 tearful FaceTimes from her but only in the beginning . We talk almost every night but about my trip back home, I will be leaving at 9;47am which gives me a bit of time to get flowers and get changed. Anyways I get up from my bed and grab my bag. I barely pack for two days since I have things at my dads. I just pack my laptop my chargers and now I just wait for tomorrow afternoon

Next day

I wake up pretty early to get a couple things done before leaving. I had my morning workout with Noah then I cleaned my space before calling an Uber. After a bit I go into Noah's room

J- I'll be back in two days
N- sounds good
J- you and your girlfriend have-
N- she's not my girlfriend
J- sounded like it
N- *smiles* dude
J- I'm kidding

I get a text saying my Uber is here

J- my ubers here
N- have fun
J- I will
N- see ya man

I grab my bag, my phone, and my keys before heading out. I get down to the main floor and go out the doors. I get in the Uber and he drives me to the airport. After a long ride to LAX we finally get there

J- thanks

I get out and go inside. The airport floods with people. There's people running, babies crying, kids playing around and this all reminds me why I hate flying. Anyways I go get my boarding pass and get something to eat before going threw security. I get to my gate and wait around.

?- flight 274 heading to Cleveland Ohio has been delayed

My heart drops. This can't be happening

?- we will have more information about it in a little bit but for now the flight will be delayed by 30 minutes

If this flight gets delayed even more I'm screwed.

45 minutes later

? Lady's and gentlemen our plane has finally arrived. We will need time to clean to aircraft we are trying to get you guys there as soon as possible

Some older guy sits beside me

?-This sucks
J- *chuckles* it really does
?- Simon by the way
J- Jake

I shake his hand

S- you seem pretty young
J- only 18
S- are you going on vacation
J- no sir I'm actually head to go surprise my girlfriend for graduation
S- so you live there
J- I did but now I'm here
S- what brings you her if I may ask
J- school, I go to Cali college for football. I wasn't supposed to come till September but they wanted me to come train with them earlier
S- you wanna know something
J- I guess
S- I'm a professor there
J- what do you teach
S- biology
J- I'm taking that
S- maybe I'll teach you
J- maybe
?- Simon stop bugging to poor boy
S- Teresa I'm just talking to him

His wife stands there I'm assuming and she seems to be around the same age.

J- its fine I'm here by myself a little company was needed
S- he's going to go surprise his girlfriend for graduation
T- that's sweet
J- *chuckles*

We end up talking till we have to board the plan. We end up sitting in the same row which is really weird.


The graduation started 20 minutes ago and I just got to my house. I run upstairs and put some khakis on and a button up shirt with my dress shoes. My dad shows up

G- looking good bud
J- *smiles* thanks

I go over and give him a hug.

G- I bought flowers for you
J- you did!?
G- *chuckles* yeah
J- thank god

I put my belt on

J- are you coming
G- I have to work but-
J- no it's fine
G- Jake
J- no honestly it's fine I'm not walking so it's okay

I look in the mirror one more time

G- flowers are in the counter
J- thanks dad
G- I'll see you later bud
J- bye dad

He leaves going into his room and I run downstairs. I grab the flowers and the keys to my truck that i haven't driven in a year so hopefully it works. I go out to it and get in. I start it and it work

J- thank you

I back out while putting on my seatbelt. I then drive to the school where it's being held. I find parking all the way in the back. I grab the flowers and run in. I get to the gym and open the door. The seats are completely filled with parents and family. I stand to the side next to a parent I'm guessing.

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